可以选择是否使用正则表达式进行搜索,通过勾选或取消勾选"Use Regular Expression"选项来实现。 点击搜索面板右侧的放大镜图标或按下Enter键开始搜索。 搜索结果会显示在搜索面板的下方,可以点击每个搜索结果来查看具体匹配的位置。 可以使用搜索面板右上角的箭头按钮来导航到上一个或下一个搜索结果。
3. 使用命令面板进行搜索:按下Ctrl+Shift+P,会打开命令面板,在其中输入“Search”,然后选择“Search: Find”选项进行搜索。命令面板可以提供更为灵活的搜索选项,比如整个工作区的全局搜索、搜索结果的预览等。 4. 在侧边栏中使用搜索功能:在侧边栏的资源管理器中,可以选择一个文件夹或文件,在右上角出现一个搜索框...
Tip:From the Explorer, you can right-click on a folder and selectFind in Folderto search inside a folder only. VS Code does supportregular expressionsearches, however,backreferencesandlookaroundaren't supported by default. But you can enable these with the settingsearch.usePCRE2. This configures...
第一个是 “search.collapseResults” 它是用来控制是否自动展开搜索结果 默认的配置是 “auto” 自动, 也就是说,VS Code 会根据搜索结果的多少来决定是否要将某个文件下的搜索结果展开,如果某个文件夹下的结果过多的话,就会将其暂时折叠,用户需要展开结果 第二个是 “search.location” ,也就是多文件搜索视图...
正则表达式匹配RegularExpression:Alt + R (vscode里面的正则表达式使用的是 JavaScript 的正则引擎) 选定内容中查找L???:Alt + L Enter:下一个搜索到的 Shift + Enter:上一个搜索到的 10.1.2Ctrl + H 10.1.3搜索配置 editor.fnd.seedSearchStringFromSelection 自动填充搜索关键词。
reference:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/using-regular-expressions-in-visual-studio?view=vs-2019 VS Code allows you to search test or search by Regular Expression Example 1 using regular expression to find and replace all $('…') to $(“….”) ...
Explanation of the Regular Expression: \s:matches anywhitespacecharacter (space, table, line breaks) \S:matches any character that isnot a whitespacecharacter \n:matches aline feedcharacter (code 10) Pro Tip:When typing regular expressions in VSCode’s search field, turn off the regular expressio...
Stringified regular expression patterns for folding region comments. start: Escaped regular expression for start region marker. (string) end: Escaped regular expression for end region marker. (string)Properties: symbols- optional (object) Map of document symbol tokens to their symbol kind (vscode.Sym...
Enable regular expressions in the search box by clicking the Use Regular Expression .* button (kb(toggleSearchRegex)) and then write a regular expression and use parentheses to define groups. You can then reuse the content matched in each group by using $1, $2, etc. in the Replace field...
Type: Bug open a file and input 1 1 press "command(mac)" or "ctrl(windows)" and "f" to search input /1\s1/ regular expression and turn on the "Use Regular Expression" VS Code version: Code 1.76.2 (ee2b180, 2023-03-14T17:54:09.061Z) OS ve...