VSCode has a beautiful regex search feature. For most use-cases it works perfectly. Howeverhow do you execute a multiline search? For eg. a very vague pcre regex like/.*keyword.*/smeans “match all text that contains the keyword” because the/smodifier stands forPCRE_DOTALLand makes the....
Submitted byFiras Dib-10 years ago(Last modified a year ago) vscode multiline Regular Expression PCRE2 (PHP >=7.3) / <context-group(.*\n)*?.*?<\/context-group> / g Open regex in editor Description no description available Submitted byanonymous-3 years ago...
"no-continue": 0,//禁止使用continue "no-control-regex": 2,//禁止在正则表达式中使用控制字符 "no-debugger": 2,//禁止使用debugger "no-delete-var": 2,//不能对var声明的变量使用delete操作符 "no-div-regex": 1,//不能使用看起来像除法的正则表达式/=foo/ "no-dupe-keys": 2,//在创建对象...
"vue/max-attributes-per-line": [2, { "singleline": 10, "multiline": { "max": 1, "allowFirstLine": false } }], "vue/singleline-html-element-content-newline": "off", "vue/multiline-html-element-content-newline":"off", "vue/name-property-casing": ["error", "PascalCase"], "...
M: Multi-line mode - By default, regex matches will only match content on the current line, when this option is enabled the last hsnips.multiLineContext lines will be available for matching. * 只对非正则表达式有效 内嵌代码、动态片段、正则识别 ...
'no-control-regex': 0, 'no-delete-var': 2, 'no-dupe-args': 2, 'no-dupe-class-members': 2, 'no-dupe-keys': 2, 'no-duplicate-case': 2, 'no-empty-character-class': 2, 'no-empty-pattern': 2, 'no-eval': 2, 'no-ex-assign': 2, 'no-extend-native': 2, 'no-extra-bin...
Status bar item to toggle adding global and multiline flags for evaluation with example text. Bugfixes 0.0.8 Add Haxe support (PR by @Gama11) 0.0.7 Several bugfixes Catch up with latest release 0.0.6 Single toggle action to turn Regex matching on/off 0.0.5 Make it work on Windows ...
'no-regex-spaces': 2, 'no-return-assign': [2, 'except-parens'], 'no-self-assign': 2, 'no-self-compare': 2, 'no-sequences': 2, 'no-shadow-restricted-names': 2, 'no-spaced-func': 2, 'no-sparse-arrays': 2, 'no-this-before-super': 2, ...
VSCode Version: 1.3 OS Version: Win 8/10 Version 1.3 supported Multiline Find, but Regular Expression seems not work completely. \s doesn't match line breaks. [^] doesn't match line breaks. We have to use [\s\S\n] instead of [^] to make ...
"no-div-regex": 1, //不能使用看起来像除法的正则表达式/=foo/ "no-dupe-keys": 2, //在创建对象字面量时不允许键重复 {a:1,a:1} "no-dupe-args": 2, //函数参数不能重复 "no-duplicate-case": 2, //switch中的case标签不能重复 ...