vscode Cannot edit in read-only editor. 原因 使用了runcode插件 这个错误一般出现在使用命令行输入的时候出现。 但是output页面是只读的,只能输出,不能用来输入。 解决 解放方法是,将run code设置为在Teminal中运行: File -> Preferences -> Settings 找到run code in terminal设置,打上√...
intGetEditorCaption(Microsoft::VisualStudio::TextManager::Interop::READONLYSTATUS dwReadOnly, [Runtime::InteropServices::Out]std::wstringconst& & pbstrEditorCaption); Parameters dwReadOnly READONLYSTATUS [in] Gets the read and write status of the text buffer. For a list ofdwRead...
private readonly mainProcessNodeIpcServer: NodeIPCServer, private readonly userEnv: IProcessEnvironment, @IInstantiationService private readonly mainInstantiationService: IInstantiationService, @ILogService private readonly logService: ILogService, @IEnvironmentMainService private readonly environmentMainService:...
无法在Visual Studio Code (VSCode) 中粘贴的原因通常与软件设置、扩展冲突、系统剪贴板问题、或者权限设置有关。软件设置问题是最常见的原因之一。在一些情况下,用户可能无意中更改了VSCode的配置设置,导致无法执行粘贴操作。例如,如果"editor.readOnly"被设置为true,这将阻止在编辑器中进行修改,包括粘贴内容。除了软件...
.github/workflows/no-yarn-lock-changes.yml at 56e8295 name: Prevent yarn.lock changes in PRs on: [pull_request] jobs: main: name: Prevent yarn.lock changes in PRs runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: octokit/request-action@v2.x id: get_permissions with: route: GET /repos/microsof...
{ return ctor.prototype; } }); } } /** * An implementation of the "idle-until-urgent"-strategy as introduced * here: https://philipwalton.com/articles/idle-until-urgent/ */ export class IdleValue<T> { private readonly _executor: () => void; private readonly _handle: IDisposable;...
Type: General So I can't edit a running program and when I enabled "whether to run code in integrated terminal" I could no longer run the program as another issue arose "no such file or directory" I searched and found that this may be re...
// 在下面插入新行 { "key": "shift+enter", "command": "editor.action.insertLineAfter", "when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly" } { "key": "ctrl+enter", //ctrl+enter改为shift+enter "command": "editor.action.insertLineAfter", "when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly" },...
exportclassSlidingWindowAverage{private_n:number=0;private_val=0;privatereadonly _values:number[]=[];private_index:number=0;private_sum=0;constructor(size:number){this._values=newArray(size);this._values.fill(0,0,size);}update(value:number):number{constoldValue=this._values[this._index];th...
readonly connectionToken?: string; /** * An endpoint to serve iframe content ("webview") from. This is required * to provide full security isolation from the workbench host. */ readonly webviewEndpoint?: string; /** * A handler for opening workspaces and providing the initial workspace....