2, ui-color.json 界面UI配色 { "$schema": "vscode://schemas/color-theme", "name": "界面UI的配色", "type": "light", "include": "./my-syntax-color.json", //语法配色 //启动行号颜色...配置文件C:\Users\lwlee\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\settings.json // --->>> "editor.renderLine...
要自定义代码高亮,可以打开VSCode的"设置"菜单(快捷键Ctrl + ,),然后在搜索框中输入"Python",找到"Python › Data: Syntax Definitions"选项,点击"Edit in settings.json"链接。 在打开的settings.json文件中,可以编辑Python代码高亮的颜色和样式。 下面是一个自定义代码高亮的示例: {"editor.tokenColorCustomizati...
Better C++ Syntax for full cpp and its supports. lua-language-server for more lua support. (Optional,buggy now) Microsoft C/C++ , then set "C_Cpp.enhancedColorization": "Enabled", and IntelliSense enabled to use Enhanced colorization. Then use this theme, enjoy! What's new See CHANGELOG ...
(一) Python 名称: autoDocstring - Python 文档字符串生成器 ID: njpwerner.autodocstring 说明:autoDocstring:VSCode Python 文档字符串生成器 用于快速生成 python 函数的文档字符串的 Visual Studio Code 扩展。 名称: Pylance ID: ms-python. vscode-pylance 说明: 对 Python 的快速、功能丰富的语言支持 Pylanc...
2.9.1 安装插件 MySQL、MySQL Syntax 2.9.2 连接数据库,爽 2.10 Vetur 2.11 live-server 2.11.1 安装Node.js(js的运行环境) 2.11.2 安装插件 Live Server 2.12 PYQT Integration 2.13 Vue 3 Snippets 2.14 Prettier - Code formatter 2.15 Path Intellisense ...
Hi! There was a bug/discussion about this before here: #1467 But reading it, I see no resolution. VSCode's Python syntax highlighting still broken after all plugins are installed. Here is an example of Monokai themes on VSCode and Sublim...
"workbench.colorTheme":"Visual Studio Dark","files.autoSave":"afterDelay","terminal.integrated.shell.windows":"C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\cmd.exe","python.autoComplete.extraPaths":["C:/Users/scfan/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python37/python3","C:/Users/scfan/Anaconda2"],"python.jediEnabled...
"editor.colorDecorators": true, 61 62 // 控制在复制时是否同时复制语法高亮。63 "editor.copyWithSyntaxHighlighting": true, 64 65 // 控制光标的动画样式。66 "editor.cursorBlinking": "blink", 67 68 // 控制是否启用平滑插入动画。69...
Python代码执行的时候先会使用 compile 将其编译成 PyCodeObject. PyCodeObject 本质上依然是一 ...