completed in 791ms, has a falsy return value, Arg 1: <Uri:/home/melchiore/src/tools/rectipy/src/>, Arg 2: {"sysPrefix":"/usr","envType":"Unknown","envName":"","envPath":"","path":"/usr/bin/python3","architecture":3,"sysVersion":"3.6.9 (default, Jan 26 202...
> Error: Cannot find module 'minimist' > Require stack: > - /home/username/.vscode-server/bin/c3511e6c69bb39013c4a4b7b9566ec1ca73fc4d5/o > ut/server-main.js > at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:933:15 > ) > at Function.Module._load (node:interna...
python "a vscode extension that lets the user adjust the heading level of the selected text. it should have three commands: increase heading level, decrease heading level, and set heading level" 请注意,这个提示是简短且概述问题有些笼统。我想看看 GPT 在没有输入任何额外的细节...
1.python版本问题 gyp ERR configure error 该问题可能是python版本不对导致 检查python版本 如果已经安装了python2.7.x版本,需要配置环境变量到该版本。 通过python --version查看当前版本。 2.文件夹中文命名 出现ASCII码相关的报错,需要检查vscode、yarn、npm等的路径是否有中文。如果是C:/Users/中文...
vscode go: cannot find main module hello.go package main import"fmt"func main(){ fmt.Print("hello,world\n"); } 运行时遇到 go: cannot find main module; see 'go help modules' 解决的方法: 1.设置环境变量 setGO111MODULE=auto 2.在项目根目录执行命令...
python "a vscode extension that lets the user adjust the heading level of the selected text. it should have three commands: increase heading level, decrease heading level, and set heading level" 请注意,这个提示是简短且概述问题有些笼统。我想看看 GPT 在没有输入任何额外的细节...
所以,点到你的网站,点右边的基本设置,然后在弹出来的对黄狂中,点选择,选择应用程序池位.net 4....
为什么vscode没有python interrupt 准备: vscode go安装包 常见问题: 描述:vs提示安装gopls等,但总是安装失败,如:Installing FAILED 解决: // 开启代理设置,Go 1.13 以上默认启用,可跳过此步 go env -w GO111MODULE=on...
Python错误-“找不到__main__模块”(VSCode) Jenkins-错误:找不到模块'typescript‘ 节点js TypeScript,找不到模块src/ Typescript本地文件类“找不到模块” 找不到模块错误(React、TypeScript、Webpack) Typescript编译文件找不到模块 Mocha + Webpack + Typescript (React):错误:找不到模块(typescript组件)...