1 Git push using VS code 11 Git commit in VS Code without any message 0 Using Commit command With Git & Github in Visual Studio Code 1 Can't commit and push to github repository 1 Can't push or pull from Git in VSCode & VSCode pushing to the wrong branch by default Hot N...
发现是我换了代理软件,用的端口变了导致。 ssh添加代理搞定的 Windows 用户编辑 ~/.ssh/config 文件,给文件加上以下内容,重启git bash. 具体端口需要根据你的代理软件设置决定。 AI检测代码解析 Host github.com User git ProxyCommand connect -H %h %p 1. 2. 3....
Remote SSH development to a RHEL9 machine, with SSH Agent forwarding, and no keys on the RHEL9 machine except for the authorized_keys Try to push a code change and it fails with a ssh failure. If I open the terminal from vscode, it appears the local environment for SSH_AUTH_SOCK is ...
访问marketplace.visualstudio.com/manage,使用GitHub、Microsoft 或 Azure DevOps 账户登录。如果还没有账户,按照页面提示创建一个。 账号配置:在package.json的配置基础上,新增一个“publisher:publisher ID”,publisher ID就是注册账号是自动生成的id。publisher字段的值需要与发布该包的账号保持一致,不然会发布失败。
Type: Feature Request I'm unable to push code to salesforce. It says "ERROR running force:source:push: This command can only be used on orgs that have source tracking enabled, such as sandboxes and scratch orgs." I've already enabled the...
提交和同步:是commit 后先提醒pull,没问题才 push。 至此完成整个流程 为避免问题,一般是单独提交,单独同步,也就是上述,1和2依次进行 提交记录 提交到远程仓库以后,可以在COMMITS 功能栏看到提交记录 点击其中一条提交记录 鼠标移动到对应文件上,可以打开文件、查看对比、圆形网络图标是链接到GitLens的github介绍 ...
from'vscode';import { increaseHeadingLevel } from'./commands/increaseHeadingLevel';import { decreaseHeadingLevel } from'./commands/decreaseHeadingLevel';import { setHeadingLevel } from'./commands/setHeadingLevel';exportfunctionactivate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) { context.subscriptions.push( ...
最后需要点击右上方的“...”图表,再点击git push按钮,提交到远程仓库; 或者可以点击左下角“循环”图表按钮,同步变化,也可以推送更新到远程仓库。 提交代码失败,若提示:OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to github.com:443 解决办法是:在git bash命令行中输入以下命令,回车。应该可以解决。
1、vscode界面反复提示输入密码 2、打开OUTPUT界面,查看REMOTE-SSH输出 有报错channel 2: open failed: ...