你应该看到 “克隆仓库(Clone Repository)”或 “发布到 GitHub(Publish to GitHub)”(如果你已经打开了一个文件夹)选项。单击 “克隆仓库(Clone Repository)” 并为其提供 GitHub 仓库链接或单击 “从 GitHub 克隆(Clone from GitHub)”。 Cloning GitHub repo in VS Code 然后它会显示一条消息,要求你登录 GitH...
新建本地仓库 点击左边Source Control栏,出现如下两个按钮,表示该文件夹还没有建立git仓库,选择上面的按钮Initialize Repository 会新建仓库便于后续更新代码和管理,选择下面的按钮Publish to GitHub则会直接将文件上传到指定的github地址。 为方便后续管理代码,这里选择新建本地仓库,点击Initialize Repository 。另一种直接...
Note: I tried the Publish branch option, but received errors informing me I had to pull, which resulted in additional errors. Ultimately it seems to have worked(?), but it does not feel like a good workflow. I think most people like myself will want to use the Publish to GitHub option...
– 再次打开命令面板,输入“GitHub: Publish Repository”并选择此选项,将本地Git仓库推送到GitHub上。 完成以上步骤后,您的本地代码仓库就与GitHub关联起来了。以后每次进行代码更改后,只需在左侧的源代码管理面板中提交更改,并使用“GitHub: Push”选项将更改推送到GitHub上即可。 要将GitHub与Visual Studio Code(以...
8. 在源代码管理面板的右上角,点击三个点,选择”Publish to GitHub”。9. 输入你的仓库名称和描述,然后点击”Create Repository”。10. 选择一个存储库的根目录进行初始化。11. 在源代码管理面板的顶部,点击”Push”推送你的本地代码到GitHub。 以上就是将VSCode连接到GitHub的一般步骤。通过这种连接,你可以方便...
Issue Type: Bug I initialized an empty git repo (with command Git: Initialize Repository), then committed some files, then I called command Publish to GitHub, choosing a private repository with the same name as my project as proposed by ...
This repository ("Code - OSS") is where we (Microsoft) develop theVisual Studio Codeproduct. Not only do we work on code and issues here, we also publish ourroadmap,monthly iteration plans, and ourendgame plans. This source code is available to everyone under the standardMIT license. ...
随着大模型能力越来越卷,在垂直领域的落地也在加快,对于大模型代码生成能力而言,最简洁高效的方式就是集成为常用IDE的插件,在vscode的插件战场中,比较知名的就有 GitHub Copilot, 智谱清言的codegeex, 讯飞星火的iFlyCode。
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-json-languageservice cd vscode-json-languageservice yarn Useyarn testto compile and run tests How can I run and debug the service? open the folder in VSCode. set breakpoints, e.g. injsonCompletion.ts ...
For new Templates/Features, you can now self-publish and optionally make them visible in-tool by following the steps one of the quick start repositories:Templates quick start,Features quick start. You can also: Provide feedback for theVS Code Dev Containersextension orGitHub Codespaces. ...