简而言之,问题出在pwsh.exe→ Properties →“Compatibility”选项卡→“Run this program as a admini...
打开cmder安装目录下的\vendor\clink.lua文件找到lambda = "λ"和lambda = "("..env..") λ"把λ替换成$ 然后重启cmder即可,但powerShell需要另行设置 打开cmder安装目录下的\vendor\profile.ps1文件找到λ <PostPrompt> <repl input>和λ <PostPrompt> |和Microsoft.PowerShell.UtilityWrite-Host "`nλ " ...
If i go to cmd.exe or powershell as myself and run 'wsl -l -v'. i see my wsl distros: NAME STATE VERSION Ubuntu-20.04 Stopped 2 Ubuntu-18.04 Running 2 If i go to cmde.exe or powershell as admin and run 'wsl -l-v'. i get a 'Access is denied.' If i sign into a distro...
果然大大的中文就矗立在那里...括号删除,保存,运行 To run a commandasadministrator(user"root"),use"sudo ".See"man sudo_root"fordetails.Wed Jul2115:41:47/mnt/c/Users/wuyifan/Desktop 搞定。 反思下,这次debug的难点是什么呢?是在遇到未知问题不要慌一步步分析,找到默认,找到preference的设置。不要使...
Integrated terminal documentation should explain different between shell and terminal using git bashmicrosoft/vscode-docs#343 Tyriar mentioned thison Jul 6, 2016 Allow Windows cmd / Powershell to run as administrator#8051 Tyriar added a commit that references this issueon Jul 16, 2016 ...
7. You need to open PowerShell as an Administrator (Window Key + X then select “Windows Power...
在终端中,通过运行以下命令以调试模式启动PowerShell:Pssh-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command“...
[566 ms] Start: Run: docker version --format {{.Server.APIVersion}} [595 ms] Exectuable 'docker' not found on PATH 'C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code...
# cd C:/Users/Administrator/ # 下载安装,用 powershell git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg # 运行 .\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat 安装完毕后,可以进行安装第三方库了,比如安装 .\vcpkg\vcpkg install tesseract:x64-windows-static,其中:x64-windows 是说安装 64 位版本的,不加这个默认下载 x86...
more problems, i just followed this steps and opened Windows PowerShell administrato version, still gave me an error..