I use PlatformIO in VSCode on Fedora 38. When I try to open PlatformIO by clicking the alien on the left side a message is shown: "Initializing PlatformIO Core..." and nothing more happends. What to do?
See thread at https://community.platformio.org/t/hanging-on-create-project-project-examples/18485. Two examples are given where a user initializes a project (for a Arduino Zero, then an Arduino Uno) and the output say PIO Core Call Error...
TL;DR 安装 trash 命令: brew install trash 然后将下面的命令添加到 ~/.bashrc 或 ~/.zshrc 文件中: alias rm='/usr/local/bin...安装 通过 Homebrew[3] 安装: brew install trash 或源码安装: $ git clone https://github.com/ali-rantakari/trash.git...$ cd trash $ make $ cp trash /usr/...