在Vscode中创建PlatformIO的Esp32工程,会始终停留在Please Wait...,尝试用如下两种解决方案 方法一 打开PlatformIO CLI,在右侧打开的命令行中输入pio home,会在默认浏览器中打开PlatformIO网页版,按步骤创建ESP32项目即可。 方法二 手动创建工程文件夹,打开终端,命令行执行 /Users/用户名/.platformio/penv/bin/pio pr...
Wait for some seconds, then the PlatformIO libraries will be automatically added into Include Path of c_cpp_properties.json. (Note: Do not modify c_cpp_properties.json manually since the c_cpp_properties.json will be fully regenerated and your manual changes will be lost.) Combined Build, ...
console.ts:137 [Extension Host] stack trace: RequestError: connect ECONNREFUSED at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/home/osboxes/.vscode/extensions/platformio.platformio-ide-2.5.0/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/index.js:970:111) at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:510:26) at Clie...
Temporary workaround Please wait some time while PlatformIO installs dependent packages. You should see the "loading" indicator on the bottom status bar. Hi, I'm having problem with platformio since a few days back. Haven't used VS Code ...
I'm still diving into this, but when I just upgraded to VSCode v1.37.0, it broke something about platformio paths: > Executing task: platformio run < The terminal shell path "platformio" does not exist
Temporary solution Please open PlatformIO IDE Terminal Type pio home command, it should force PIO Core to download all required packages Restart PlatformIO IDE. P.S: Please check that your OS/Firewall does not block port. ...
Quick way to open PlatformIO Terminal: Click theTerminalicon in the Status Bar at the bottom, or pressF1and then select/typePlatformIO: Open Terminal Add Include Path toc_cpp_properties.jsonfor C/C++ extension: PressF1and then select/typePlatformIO: Add Include Path to Settings. Wait for some...
I'll test on Linux and Windows too (was testing on MacOS). Any plans to add features like showing Assembly code or Registers like the Platformio debugger? Not that I know assembly, hehe. For sure yes ! Part of the backlog hopefully this Q1 or Q2 we should have something for you....
Running macOS 10.12.3, Visual Studio Code 1.20.1, and PlatformIO IDE extension version 0.12.1. After installing the PlatformIO IDE extension and reloading VSCode, the installation of PlatformIO fails with the following error: PIP: Except...