vscode Cannot edit in read-only editor. 原因 使用了runcode插件 这个错误一般出现在使用命令行输入的时候出现。 但是output页面是只读的,只能输出,不能用来输入。 解决 解放方法是,将run code设置为在Teminal中运行: File -> Preferences -> Settings 找到run code in terminal设置,打上√...
vscode-master-1.23.1\out\vs\workbench\parts\output\electron-browser\outputServices.js 龙泉寺扫地僧 2019/02/20 5640 Electron 在 Taro IDE 的开发实践 electron Taro IDE 是一款我们正在精心打造的一站式移动端研发工作台。除了需要实现 Taro 从创建项目到预览、编译的全部能力,还需要打通用户测试、调试、监控等...
VSCode Version: 1.23.1 OS Version: 1709 Steps to Reproduce: Install Code Runner extension When I try to submit an input through the Output console using Python Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes
oo_qweb_t-escQweb data output oo_qweb_t-extendQweb template inheritance oo_qweb_t-fieldQweb field access oo_qweb_t-foreachQweb loop oo_qweb_t-ifQweb inline conditional oo_qweb_t-ifQweb conditional oo_qweb_t-jsQweb javascript oo_qweb_t-logQweb logging ...
java.project.outputPath: A relative path to the workspace where stores the compiled output.Onlyeffective in theWORKSPACEscope. The setting willNOTaffect Maven or Gradle project. java.project.referencedLibraries: Configure glob patterns for referencing local libraries to a Java project. ...
npm start#OR: for vite debug outputnpm run start:debug For the debug feature, also run: npm run start:debugServer ⚠️Building monaco-vscode-api is only supported on Linux or Mac. It you use Windows, have a look atWSL⚠️
antlr grammar syntax support插件主要是语法着色,安装后output窗口有报错 csharp复制代码Running Java with parameters:-jar antlr4ng-cli\antlr4-4.13.2-SNAPSHOT-complete.jar-message-format antlr-o e:\proj\cocos-effect\syntaxes\.antlr-no-listener -no-visitor -Xexact-output-dire:\proj\cocos-effect\syn...
showDevDebugOutput: 用于在下方的 DEBUG CONSOLE 输出 GDB 日志, 可以选 both, parsed, raw, none, 其中 raw是显示原始内容, parsed 是格式化过的, both 是两种都显示 device: 对于 openocd 貌似可以随便填 svdFile: 标识外设寄存器名称与地址关系的文件, 在debug时可以直接通过寄存器名称查看对应地址的值, 仓库...
解压后配置Glslang Validator Path参数,填入glslangValidator.exe的绝对路径即可 重启VSCode,现在已经支持GLSL代码错误检查,GLSL Lint默认支持以下后缀名称的文件 特别的,如果在js、jsx、ts、tsx文件中写的字符串shader代码,也是可以进行错误检查的,但是要加上下面这句,stage照着上面的map自行更改 ...
{ // Use the console to output diagnostic information (console.log) and errors (console.error) // This line of code will only be executed once when your extension is activated console.log('Congratulations, your extension "sample" is now active!'); // The command has been defined in the...