It doesn't matter how you open the vs code: by console, shortcut, or in any way (with mouse or only with keyboard), it ALWAYS opens two windows of the vs code. Member bpasero commented Mar 8, 2022 Can you try to reproduce with our nightly insider builds? You can give our previe...
Both links will open the same file, but in two different tabs. vscode will not detect that this is in fact the same file. Linux I was not able to reproduce this issue on Linux using a similar approach with/test.txt file:/test.txt. On Linux this just opens the file once. Why this ...
-r --reuse-window Force to open a file or folder in an already opened window. --folder-uri <uri> Opens a window with given folder uri(s) --file-uri <uri> Opens a window with given file uri(s) -w --wait Wait for the files to be closed before returning. --locale <locale> The...
This option is not persisted and is effective only when the command opens a new window. --disable-extension <ext-id> Disable the provided extension. This option is not persisted and is effective only when the command opens a new window. --sync <on | off> Turn sync on or off. --inspe...
转载自: 使用vscode访问和修改远程文件,分三步实现:在远程linux机器上安装rmate;在本地windows上安装openssh;在vscode中安装扩展remote vscode。 1、 在远程linux机器上安装rmate rmate有很多中语言版本,这里用的是python的版本。githu...1.2...
Whenever I switch focus to the VS Code terminal and type "dotnet build" or "dotnet test", VSCode gets confused. Red Squigglies underline every line of source code, intellisense stops working, and VSCode opens two info boxes that say ...
1.下载dep可执行文件 打开 下载最新的dep-windows-amd64.exe 2.添加gopath环境变量 3.将GOPATH/bin添加到path路径中 4.将dep-windows-amd64.exe放入GOPATH/bin下,修改名称为dep.exe 5.安装完成,打开cmd查看dep是否安装成功:... ...
The previw window opens and is blank. When I open VSCode from windows menu, preview button works fine and renders all content for markdown files. I have tried: Problem is persistent across Windows 10 and Windows 11 OS. If I open VSCode from file explorer or Windows menu, the markdo...
--disable-extensions Disable all installed extensions. This option is not persisted and is effective only when thecommandopens a new window. --disable-extension <ext-id> Disable the provided extension. This option is not persisted and is effective only when thecommandopens a new window. ...
如果我将扩展带到扩展文件夹中,扩展可以工作,但不会出现在侧栏中。存储库: package.json: { "name": "work-as-two", "displayName": "work-as-two", "author": { "name": "peni4142" }, "description": "Opens the associat 浏览0提问于2020-02-03得票数 2 回答已采纳...