快捷键列表查看「View Shortcut」 如果想查看所有快捷键的童鞋,可以使用一下快捷键: Mac:Command + K,再按Command + S Linux/Windows:Ctrl + K,再按Ctrl + S 如果需要快速查看某一个特定的快捷键,只需要快捷键列表上方的搜索栏输入直接搜索即可 快速打开文件「Quick open」 可以用于快速搜索,然后打开项目中的...
// Controls whether the terminal running the task is revealed or not. Default is "always". // always: Always reveals the terminal when this task is executed. // silent: Only reveals the terminal if the task exits with an error or the problem matcher finds an error.(会显示错误,但不会显...
Steps to Reproduce: I set "option + enter" => "focus copilotview" When the cursor is on the integrated terminal, it creating a new line in the terminal(zsh, in bash, no new line) rather than active the shortcut, how do make shortcut work on the terminal? I tried to add the com...
To open the Command Palette, use this keyboard shortcut: 要打开 "命令调板",请使用以下快捷键: Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + P Mac: Shift + Command+ P As you guessed correctly, those keyboard shortcuts to the right are a faster way to run the commands with the keyboard. 正如你所猜测...
Bracket Pair Colorizer:将白色的括号变为匹配的彩色,并且配对的括号会标记出来 Code Runer:使得vscode中出现一个运行按钮,可以一键运行所有的文件。 3、好用的快捷键 格式化文档:右键Format Document,自动对代码进行排版 command+j:打开终端terminal command+k+t:更换颜色主题...
Preferences:Open Default Settings(JSON) 可以在你的默认配置中看到这些,然后自己配置的时候,不懂的地方,可以参考这里1 { 2 // 控制在差异编辑器中是否把前导空格或尾随空格的改动显示为差异。3 "diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": true, 4 5 //...
Type: Bug I have binded shift + escape to the workbench.action.toggleMaximizedPanel command. It works as expected, unless the Terminal has focus: in this case, it doesn't work. I looked at the terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell sett...
默认情况下,vscode 显示编辑器设置,但是,您仍然可以使用OpenSettings(JSON) 命令或使用 workbench.setings.Editor 设置更改默认设置编辑器来编辑基础 setings.json 文件。 根据平台的不同,用户设置文件位于以下位置: Windows: %APPDATA%\Code\User\settings.json macOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/sett...
"terminal.integrated.automationShell.windows": null, // 一组命令 ID,其键绑定不会发送到 shell,而是始终由 Code 处理。这样,通常由 shell 使用的键绑定的作用与终端未聚焦时相同,例如 ctrl + p 启动 "快速打开"。 // 默认跳过的命令:- editor.action.toggleTabFocusMode // - workbench.action.debug...
On a Mac, the h, j, k and l movement keys may not repeat when held, to fix this open Terminal and execute the following command: defaults write com.microsoft.VSCode ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false. To fix the remapped escape key not working in Linux, set "keyboard.dispatch": "ke...