3. 右键单击选择的文件或文件夹,在上下文菜单中选择“Open in New Window”(在新窗口中打开)选项。 4. 这将打开一个新的VS Code窗口,并在其中打开所选文件或文件夹。 方法二:使用窗口选项卡 1. 打开VS Code。 2. 在左下角的状态栏中,单击“New Window”(新窗口)按钮。 3. 这将在VS Code中打开一个新...
"window.openFilesInNewWindow":"off", But in that case, all files are just opened in the same Window (in a new tab). Since I usually open (software project) folders, I do not want other, completely unrelated files, to be opened in that window as well. ...
您可以更改Ctrl + Tab的键绑定,以显示独立于活动编辑器组的历史记录中所有已打开编辑器的列表。 编辑您的键绑定并添加以下内容: {"key":"ctrl+tab","command":"workbench.action.openPreviousEditorFromHistory"},{"key":"ctrl+tab","command":"workbench.action.quickOpenNavigateNext","when":"inQuickOpen"}...
按Press功能 FunctionCtrl + Shift + P,F1显示命令面板 Show Command PaletteCtrl + P快速打开 Quick OpenCtrl + Shift + N新窗口/实例 New window/instanceCtrl + Shift + W关闭窗口/
Ctrl+Tab 打开下一个 Open next Ctrl+Shift+Tab 打开上一个 Open previous Ctrl+KP复制活动文件的路径 Copy pathofactive file Ctrl+KR显示资源管理器中的活动文件 Reveal active fileinExplorer Ctrl+KO显示新窗口/实例中的活动文件 Show active fileinnewwindow/instance ...
Ctrl+Shift+Tab 打开上一个 Open previous Ctrl+K P 复制活动文件的路径 Copy path of active file Ctrl+K R 显示资源管理器中的活动文件 Reveal active file in Explorer Ctrl+K O 显示新窗口/实例中的活动文件 Show active file in new window/instance 显示 Display 按Press 功能Function F11 切换全屏 Togg...
Testing #183578 Tested on mac. Open Remote Explorer with some remote extensions installed. Select an entry in the tree and try to tab to the Open Workspace in New Window button. However, Open Workspace in Current Window is keyboard acces...
{ // open current tab in new side view "before": [ "s", "n" ], "after": [ "<C-w>", "v" ] }, { // close current tab "before": [ "s", "c" ], "after": [ "<C-w>", "c" ] }, { // switch to the left tab "before": [ "s", "h" ], "after": [ "g...
"window.openWithoutArgumentsInNewWindow": "on", // 若窗口在处于全屏模式时退出,控制其在恢复时是否还原到全屏模式。 "window.restoreFullscreen": false, // 控制窗口在重启后再次打开的方式。 // - all: 重新打开所有窗口。 // - folders: 重新打开所有文件夹。空工作区将不会被恢复。 // -...
To start debugging, open your JavaScript file and set breakpoints by clicking on the line numbers. Then, launch the debugger from the VSCode debug sidebar and choose the “Chrome” option. This will open a new Chrome window with the VSCode debugger attached. ...