AI Hands-on AI模型训练,微调,推理 推荐阅读 Win10 使用WSL 配合VSCode 搭建C/C++开发环境 明月找我影 Windows下安装VScode 1.下载Visual Studio Code官网 Visual Studio Code 是Microsoft(微软的产品) User Installer版:会安装在当前计算机帐户目录,意味着如果使用另一个帐号登陆计算机将无法使用别人安装的vsc… 混世...
go env -w GO111MODULE=on go env -w GOPROXY=,direct 即可。 至此,windows安装go环境结束 1.2 vscode配置go 1.2.1 安装go插件 打开vscode,在插件市场中搜索go: 选择第一个安装。 然后搜索code run: 选择code runner进行安装。 1.2.2 安装go的其他内容 vscode中按住shift+ctrl+p,输入go...
由于3.x版越来越普及,后面就选择 3.x版本进行安装。 2.2在windows下安装Python环境 Python官网下载地址: 勾上Add Python 3.8 to PATH,然后点“Install Now”即可完成安装。 安装完成之后,打开windows的命令行窗口。 在命令行运行python,出现下面的提示就表示安装成功。 进入终端之...
Clangd 11.0 seems to hang when used with VSCode on Windows. If I press ctrl-space to get the autocomplete suggestions I get the "loading..." tooltip but it gets stuck there. Here's a full log of what happen when hitting ctrl-space: https...
The only Windows update that happened that day or even near it is PowerShell v7.3.7. All attempts at vscode reinstallation have failed and result only in a dialog box that says "Setup is preparing to install Visual Studio Code on your computer". Task manager displays a 32-bi...
1)Accept word and Accept Line does not work on Windows for vscode version later than 1.86.2. On vscode version later than 1.86.2, On clicking Accept word only first word gets inserted and after that inline suggest toolbar gets disappears. ...
Windows:GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE="1"; git clone 现在您可以有选择地检出一些要使用的二进制文件。例如: git lfs pull -I "docs/nodejs" git lfs pull -I "release-notes/images/1_3*/*" 你可以执行git lfs pull -I <PATTERN>指令 , 只要<PATTERN>是 comma...
i have the same issue on Windows 10, on 1.37 Playwright version and vscode 1.81.1 2023 i update the vscode to latest version i checked the configuration in playwright.config.js closed the vs code completely then i go to the the project folder and i delete .vscode if it there. then ri...