So I was having a problem with intellisense not working for code files in a symlinked directory. The base path for the directory had a parent directory whose name had a space in it, when I removed the space from the path VSCode was able to do all its syntax/reference count checking fo...
vscode-go not outputting dlv logs to console when attaching to remote MuminKhan asked Sep 25, 2024 in Help · Closed · Unanswered 1 2 🙏 Delve not respecting "cwd" (working directory) lzap asked Nov 28, 2023 in Help · Unanswered 0 1 🙏 How to handle multiple smart co...
Default: '' Equivalent to: [--NbConvertApp.output_base] --output-dir=<Unicode> Directory to write output(s) to. Defaults to output to the directory of each notebook. To recover previous default behaviour (outputting to the current working directory) use . as the flag value. Default: '' ...
Default:'' Equivalent to: [--NbConvertApp.output_base] --output-dir=<Unicode> Directory to write output(s) to. Defaults to output to the directory of each notebook. To recover previous default behaviour (outputting to the current working directory) use . as the flag value. Default:'' Equ...
• Despite multiple attempts to install Python, VS Code keeps outputting the message: "Bullet list version: • Despite multiple attempts to install Python, VS Code keeps outputting the message: "/bin/sh: python: command not found [Done] exited with code=127 in 0.016 seconds." • Tried...
I can't get any output now. Even something as simple as get-variable is outputting nothing at all in the integrated terminal. I can't see any errors in the debug logs. I am working in a non-elevated vscode session. I've killed the terminal and had it restart, I've uninstalled vscod...
@DonJayamanne Still does not work. I tried both 1500 and 2500. When I press 'Format Document' the text 'Formatting with autopep8' just blinks for like a few millisecs in the blue bar at the bottom. gaziqbal commented Oct 16, 2018 I'm having a similar problem with yapf formatting ...
I suspect that since I did not initially have "type" set to "swift-lldb", there may be other entries that I am missing? I noticed many other debugger-oriented settings are displayed by a dropdown when I am editing the launch.json file. Perhaps their default values are not working? adam...
The integratedTerminal on macOS is not working due to a limitation of the version of lldb we use. Right. I came here searching for how to pipe output to external ZSH shell when I hit CTRL-SHIFT-B. What do I need to do after setting externalConsole: true. Also, in VSCode Settings>...
@andreeis I have also been having problems with IntelliSense not working on my project. Luckily I stumbled upon this issue here and this helped me to figure out that it is my makefile that was the problem. I have this rule: $(OBJ)/%.o: %...