This worked just the other day but now VS Code cannot find my conda environment named prod. Do not know what has changed. I have Visual Studio Code version 1.46.1. See full details below. From terminal (the windows cmd shell from within ...
Type of virtual environment used (N/A | venv | virtualenv | conda | ...): Conda Jupyter server running: Local Expected behaviour Should work fine with the conda environment Actual behaviour VSCode is not recognising the environment Not running the cells. I get an error at the bottom right ...
这个问题应该是vscode python插件自动激活环境和conda的自动激活环境之间的不兼容导致的显示问题,解决方法是关闭conda的自动激活环境。参考Activate Environments in Terminal Using Environment Variables · microsoft/vscode-python Wiki ( conda config --set auto_activate_base False 问题解决:...
在vscode的setting.json中加这一句, 让vscode不要自己输conda指令. 就可以了 "python.terminal.activateE...
安装Anaconda:下载后,双击安装程序并遵循安装向导的指示完成安装。安装过程中,确保勾选“Add Anaconda to my PATHenvironment variable”选项,这将使得你能够从命令行访问Anaconda。 2. 下载和安装Visual Studio Code (VSCode) 访问VSCode官网:前往Visual Studio Code官网,下载适用于你的操作系统的VSCode版本。
只勾选你想要使用的虚拟环境python解释器,取消勾选其他python解释器。在这一步之后,按Ctrl + Shit + ...
Type of virtual environment used: conda Jupyter server running: remote Expected behaviour When starting a jupyter notebook, an existed enviroment should be detected. Actual behaviour However, when starting a remote jupyter notebook, vscode can not detect existed enviroments and the drop-down list is...
Type: Bug Behaviour Expected vs. Actual The unit tests should work with any conda environment. However, if the environment definition contains an explicit dependency on conda, the unit tests are not discovered in VS Code. Removing the co...
2.6 将创建的环境设置成默认的(之前是base) 首先,打开如下文件 nano ~/.bash_profile 输入 # Automatically activate CRL environment conda activate 所需环境的名称 保存并关闭文件。使.bash_profile文件立即生效: source ~/.bash_profile 3,特别感谢 如果可以直接看这个,貌似方法是通用的...
另外,可以尝试官方新推出的 Python Environment Manager conda 这个扩展可以实现类似 PyCharm 环境管理的功能 3.2. JupyterLab mamba install jupyterlab 4. WSL2 Windows 下的 Python 环境经常会给人带来一系列的困扰,如,时隐时现的各种因为环境变量导致的奇怪报错,Conda 库更新不到最新的版本,还有诸如xgboost等库压...