Replace: >\\n< 替换: >\\n< #5楼 With VS Code release 1.38 you can type Control + Enter in the editor find box to add a newline character. 使用VS Code 版本1.38,您可以在编辑器的“查找”框中键入Control + Enter ,以添加换行符。 With VS Code release 1.30 you can type Shift + Enter...
防止一些特殊情况constlineText = line.text.substring(0, position.character);// 简单匹配,只要当前光标前的字符串为`this.dependencies.`都自动带出所有的依赖if(/(^|=| )\w+\.dependencies\.$/g.test(lineText
Yes, my mean is "How to replace a character with a new line in vscode?". for example I want to replace the '|' use \r\n. before replace: dfdsalfsljdafjjjjafdsfsad|fsdfdsfdsfsff|dfsdfdsfsdfd after replace: dfdsalfsljdafjjjjafdsfsad ...
regs.forEach((reg) =>{letmatch = line.match(reg);while(match && match[1]) { line = line.replace(match[1],""); match = line.match(reg); } }); }if(!hasAnnotation["/*"] && line.indexOf("/*") > -1) { hasAnnotation["/*"] =true; }if(!hasAnnotation["<!--"] && line...
Ctrl+Shift+H 替换文件 Replace in files Ctrl+Shift+J 切换搜索详细信息 Toggle Search details Ctrl+Shift+C 打开新命令提示符/终端 Open new command prompt/terminal Ctrl+Shift+U 显示输出面板 Show Output panel Ctrl+Shift+V 切换Markdown预览 Toggle Markdown preview Ctrl+K V 从旁边打开Markdown预览 Ope...
Ctrl+EnterInsert line below 向下插入新空行 Ctrl+Shift+EnterInsert line above 向上插入新空行 Home / EndGo to beginning/end of line 跳至行首/行尾 查看 Ctrl+HomeGo to beginning of file 跳至文件开头 Ctrl+EndGo to end of file 跳至文件结尾 ...
"editor.suggest.insertMode": "replace" }, // 针对 [search-result] 语言,配置替代编辑器设置。 "[search-result]": { "editor.lineNumbers": "off" }, // 针对 [shellscript] 语言,配置替代编辑器设置。 "[shellscript]": { "files.eol": "\n" }, // 针对 [yaml] 语言,配置...
Ctrl+Shift+H 替换文件 Replace in files Ctrl+Shift+J 切换搜索详细信息 Toggle Search details Ctrl+Shift+C 打开新命令提示符/终端 Open new command prompt/terminal Ctrl+Shift+U 显示输出面板 Show Output panel Ctrl+Shift+V 切换Markdown预览 Toggle Markdown preview Ctrl+K V 从旁边打开Markdown预览 Ope...
let newLine = curPage + tipTxt + "\r\n"; let newData = fileData.replace(oldLine, newLine); writeFile(newData) } } //检测合法性 function isLegal() { if (datas.length === 0 || curPage < 0 || curPage > datas.length) return false; ...
搜索和替换 Search and replace 代码语言:javascript 复制 按Press 功能 Function Ctrl+F查找 Find Ctrl+H替换 ReplaceF3/Shift+F3查找下一个/上一个 Find next/previous Alt+Enter 选择查找匹配的所有出现 Select all occurencesofFind match Ctrl+D将选择添加到下一个查找匹配 Add selection to next Find match ...