若出现error: 'recursive_mutex' in namespace 'std' does not name a type 这是因为在 win 下,mingw64 需要用 posix 接口的 thread 库,改用posiv的mingw64 windows - mingw-w64 threads: posix vs win32 - Stack Overflow 若是出现CMake编译成功但是make不成功,报错是找不到cv里的基础类的,这可能是静...
1.在tasks.json中 ,若type指定为"shell",则command指定的命令会使用默认shell运行;若指定为process则会使用系统默认shell运行。于是,当我指定为process并且使用了std::mutex时产生了在shell下没有的错误:error: 'mutex' in namespace 'std' does not name a type。这是因为使用了windows下的g++和库,在我的PC上...
1.在tasks.json中 ,若type指定为"shell",则command指定的命令会使用默认shell运行;若指定为process则会使用系统默认shell运行。于是,当我指定为process并且使用了std::mutex时产生了在shell下没有的错误:error: 'mutex' in namespace 'std' does not name a type。这是因为使用了windows下的g++和库,在我的PC上...
. The new requirement to run vscode-server is glibc >= 2.28 which your system does not meet... Two options: 1/ Build and install your own glibc as discussed here. That's not hard at all, you don't need to be actively involved a lot, but it will take patience (it's pretty long...
{"id":"redhat.vscode-community-server-connector","displayName":"Community Server Connectors"}},"abusaidm.html-snippets":{},"ms-vscode.vscode-typescript-tslint-plugin":{},"eg2.tslint":{},"zenclabs.reactpreview":{"disallowInstall":true,"extension":{"id":"zenclabs.previewjs","displayName...
+ "nameLong": "code-server", "applicationName": "code-oss", "dataFolderName": ".vscode-oss", "win32MutexName": "vscodeoss", @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "darwinBundleIdentifier": "com.visualstudio.code.oss", "linuxIconName": "com.visualstudio.code.oss", "licenseFileName": ...
For example, even with the official real-time collaboration plugins for Visual Studio Code and Atom, programmers can only collaborate in a specific pattern that does not support truly unconstrained real-time collaboration and has serious limitations. In Section 2.3, we analyze these problems and ...
I would like to ask by the way that there are multiple executable files in my project, so I wrote multiple configurations (such as game and cnet in the configuration file above), but when I edit the code files of the two modules, the configuration does not switch. Is there a way to ...
To clarify: does 'rebranch' mean this snapshot has all changes that were committed to LLVM's LLDB since the original branch point that created the custom LLDB? Member compnerd commented Jun 26, 2022 "rebranch" is just a name, the Swift toolchain is a fork of LLVM and will merge ...