– 在多个光标位置同时输入文本即可实现同时修改多个位置。 2. 多行编辑(Multi-line Select): – 按住 `Alt` 键(Windows)或 `Option` 键(Mac),然后用鼠标点击和拖动来选择多行。 – 按下 `Alt` 键(Windows)或 `Option` 键(Mac)并按下 `Ctrl` 键,可以在不同行的相同列创建多个光标。 – 在多个光标位...
Ctrl + I 选择当前行 Select current line Ctrl + Shift + L 选择当前选择的所有出现 Select all occurrences of current selection Ctrl + F2 选择当前字的所有出现 Select all occurrences of current word Shift + Alt + → 展开选择 Expand selection Shift + Alt + ← 缩小选择 Shrink selection Shift +...
If I select all lines and press TAB once, I would expect two spaces to be added in front of every single line: foo bar foobar However, it seems like vscode is trying to be smart and indent each line to the next level of indentation (ie n*2 spaces): foo bar foobar This is inc...
Ctrl+U撤消上一个光标操作 Undo last cursor operation Shift+Alt+I在选定的每一行的末尾插入光标 Insert cursor at endofeach line selected Ctrl+I选择当前行 Select current line Ctrl+Shift+L选择当前选择的所有出现 Select all occurrencesofcurrent selection Ctrl+F2选择当前字的所有出现 Select all occurrenceso...
Ctrl + I 选择当前行 Select current line Ctrl + Shift + L 选择当前选择的所有出现 Select all occurrences of current selection Ctrl + F2 选择当前字的所有出现 Select all occurrences of current word Shift + Alt + → 展开选择 Expand selection Shift + Alt + ← 缩小选择 Shrink selection Shift +...
[ "meta.selector" ], "settings": { "foreground": "#f286c4" } }, { "name": "Language Built-ins", "scope": [ "support" ], "settings": { "fontStyle": "italic", "foreground": "#97e1f1" } }, { "name": "Built-in magic functions and constants", "scope": [ "support....
否则会提示 Extension 'esbenp.prettier-vscode' is configured as formatter but not available. Select a different default formatter to continue. 三、安装Vetur插件 四、配置 setting.json 找到File > Preference > Settings > Text Editor > Code Actions On Save > Edit in setting.json打开进行编辑 ...
在VSCode 中打开扩展市场,搜索“Multi Command”。 点击安装,并在设置中配置如下: "multiCommand.commands":[{"command":"multiCommand.copyLastLine","sequence":["editor.action.selectTechnicalLine","editor.action.clipboardCopyAction"]}] 1. 2.
安装clangd可直接从官方github release页面下载:https://github.com/clangd/clangd/releases。 如果自行编译,需要给 cmake 的LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS选项传入clang-tools-extra,然后等待30分钟~1小时(根据CPU情况确定)。 配置clangd将 clangd 安装路径放入 PATH, 然后重开 VSCode。
{ id: 'default:redo', precondition: undefined })); export const SelectAllCommand = registerCommand(new MultiCommand({ id: 'editor.action.selectAll', precondition: undefined, kbOpts: { weight: KeybindingWeight.EditorCore, kbExpr: null, primary: KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyCode.KeyA }, menuOpts: ...