install -T dbg -o root -g wheel -m 555 zfs.ko.debug /usr/lib/debug/boot/kernel/ ===> zlib (install) install -T release -o root -g wheel -m 555 zlib.ko /boot/kernel/ install -T dbg -o root -g wheel -m 555 zlib.ko.debug /usr/lib/debug/boot/kernel/ kldxref /boot/kernel...
- ms-vscode.node-debug2: Node.js 调试支持 95 // - ms-vscode.references-view: Reference Search results as separate, stable view in the sidebar 96 // - vscode.npm: 为 npm 脚本提供任务支持的扩展。97 // - vscode.php-language-features: 为 PHP 文件提供丰富的语言支持。98...
Cloud Studio代码运行 $ vscepackageINFODetected presenceofyarn.lock.Using'yarn'insteadof'npm'(to overridethispass'--no-yarn'on the command line).ERRORMake sure to edit file before youpackageor publish your extension. 额,裂开,这咋还报错,假装淡定,读一下提示原来是要我们编辑一下 RE...
obj文件夹、NetCore.csproj 文件(这个名称随着你的项目名称不同而不同)、Program.cs文件 工程目录配置的最终结果示意 2. 将工程目录的文件夹拖到vsCode(与在vsCode文件菜单-->打开文件夹等效),这时右下角会弹窗, 问你要不要为这个项目创建编译和调试文件(Required assets to build and debug are missing from ‘...
Debug console output: The program '[1524] VS Files.dll' has exited with code -1 (0xffffffff). Error message: Unable to start program '/usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet'. Unknown Error: 0x92330062 Additional context I am very new to coding, and am struggling to get my debugger setup on ...
{"text":"set debug-file-directory"}],"program":"/Users/danielfudge/code/MCUXpresso-VSCode/evkmimxrt1170_hello_world_demo_cm7/armgcc/debug/hello_world_demo_cm7.elf","miDebuggerServerAddress":"","variables":{"mcuxStopAtSymbol":"main","mcuxSeria...
Is there any debug logging I can enable to look for errors or do any other troubleshooting? Forgot to mention: the missing package is custom, not a system package. #VSCode#InterSystems IRIS for Health 05 039 Announcement Anastasia Dyubaylo· Jan 29 ...
11,1,D,D103:Missing docstringinpublicfunction12,21,Q,Q000:Remove bad quotes 12,31,Q,Q000:Remove bad quotes 15,16,Q,Q000:Remove bad quotes 16,1,S,S201:A Flask app appears to be run with debug=True,whichexposes the Werkzeug debugger and allows the execution of arbitrary code. ...
Logs: --- Diagnostics - 6/12/2023, 6:43:33 AM Version: 1.15.4 Current Configuration: { "name": "Win32", "includePath": [ "d:\\VSCode_test/**" ], "defines": [ "_DEBUG", "UNICODE", "_UNICODE" ], "compilerPath": "C:\\msys64\\mingw64\\bin\\gcc.exe", "cStandard"...
files.associations配置文件关联 : 任何 vue 后缀的文件会被认为是 html 文件 ,(查看编辑器右下角) 然后 vscode 会用 html 规则匹配 vue 文件做相应格式化,代码提示等。 任何 wxss 后缀的文件被认为是css文件 ,然后 vscode 会用 css 规则匹配 wxss 文件,对 css 的属性排序,rem 自动转换,格式化等 ...