{"key":"ctrl+g a","command":"merge.toggleActiveConflictInput1","when":"isMergeEditor"}, {"key":"ctrl+g b","command":"merge.toggleActiveConflictInput2","when":"isMergeEditor"} ] Start rebasing of a branch on another to produce merge conflicts Open a merge editor Go to the first ...
Visual Studio Code1.69 现已发布! 以下是一些主要的更新亮点: 3-way merge editor- 在 VS Code 内解决合并冲突。 合并编辑器允许你快速解决 Git 合并冲突。启用后,可以通过单击源代码控制视图中的冲突文件来打开合并编辑器。Checkboxes 可用于接受和合并 "Theirs" 或 "Yours" 的更改: 合并编辑器中提供了所有语言...
Thinking more about this, IMO, it would be worth having separate commands so we can give them more descriptive titles. LMK what you think @hediet. Part of #180729meganrogge assigned hediet May 23, 2023 meganrogge changed the title Merge editor commands should use ID instead of position for...
[Git]] "git.autofetch": true, // 自动从当前 Git 存储库的默认远程库提取提交 "git.confirmSync": false, // 同步 Git 存储库前确认 "git.enableSmartCommit": true, // 没有暂存的更改时,直接提交全部 "git.mergeEditor": true, // 启用三向合并编辑器 // "gitlens.defaultDateLocale": null, ...
查看实现:command + F12 代码追踪返回:Ctrl + - 代码追踪前进:Ctrl + shift + - 调整代码大小:command + -/+ 打开快捷键配置:按下command + k后,再按command + s 关闭当前文件:command + w 选中代码左移动:command + [ 选中代码右移:command + ] ...
“command”: “workbench.action.files.openFile”, “when”: “editorTextFocus && !inputFocus” } ] “` 7. 保存并关闭设置界面。 现在,你可以在VSCode中使用右键快捷键”Ctrl+Alt+O”来打开文件啦。 不及物动词 这个人很懒,什么都没有留下~ ...
[ { "key": "alt+e alt+e", "command": "editor.emmet.action.matchTag" }] 删除标签— 从 HTML 树中删除标签但保留其内部 HTML。 [ { "key": "alt+e alt+d", "command": "editor.emmet.action.removeTag" }] 另外,如果你不想自己配置热键,可以安装 Emmet Keybindings 扩展,它是一组用于 VS...
# https://github.com/twpayne/chezmoi/discussions/2424[diff]command="code"args=["--wait","--diff","{{ .Destination }}","{{ .Target }}"][merge]command="bash" 3、敏感数据存储 如果你想用 chezmoi 管理你的密钥(例如: id_rsa ssh 密钥),同时又想把你的 dotfiles 配置在GitHub共享出来,chez...
1. Command mode in markdown file 2. Explorer Context menu 3. Editor title context menu Acknowledgement Todo License Markdown Editor — A full-featured WYSIWYG editor for markdown Demo Features What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG)
"editor.formatOnSave": true } // 2、设置 .js .ts .jsx .tsx .less .css .json 格式的文件都采用 prettier-vscode 插件进行格式化 { "[javascript]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" }, "[typescript]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" ...