Visual Studio Code1.69 现已发布! 以下是一些主要的更新亮点: 3-way merge editor- 在 VS Code 内解决合并冲突。 合并编辑器允许你快速解决 Git 合并冲突。启用后,可以通过单击源代码控制视图中的冲突文件来打开合并编辑器。Checkboxes 可用于接受和合并 "Theirs" 或 "Yours" 的更改: 合并编辑器中提供了所有语言...
This probably needs a combination of --wait on the result file and support to pass in an argument to enforce opening the merge editor. We do something similar with --diff so I would try to go from there: with --diff you pass in 2 paths and we end up opening a diff editor instead ...
[Git]] "git.autofetch": true, // 自动从当前 Git 存储库的默认远程库提取提交 "git.confirmSync": false, // 同步 Git 存储库前确认 "git.enableSmartCommit": true, // 没有暂存的更改时,直接提交全部 "git.mergeEditor": true, // 启用三向合并编辑器 // "gitlens.defaultDateLocale": null, ...
Sashes in VS Code are capable of connecting even elements within grids: you can for example open a diff editor and a panel and resize both the panel and the diff editor at the same time even though the grid is nested: I think for the merge editor we could offer the same at this ...
一次打开所有文件,使用VsCode作为Git扩散工具和mergetool 、、、 目前,我已经将VsCode配置为git difftool和git mergetool。我的~\.gitconfig文件如下所示: email = tool = vscode cmd = code --wait $MERGED tool = vscode [difftool "vsc 浏览7提问于2020-01-24得票数 2 7回答...
“when”: “editorTextFocus && !inputFocus” } ] “` 7. 保存并关闭设置界面。 现在,你可以在VSCode中使用右键快捷键”Ctrl+Alt+O”来打开文件啦。 不及物动词 这个人很懒,什么都没有留下~ 评论 在VS Code中设置右键打开功能可以让你在资源管理器中轻松使用该编辑器打开文件或文件夹。下面是如何设置右...
{"workbench.sideBar.location":"right","workbench.colorTheme":"One Dark Pro","workbench.iconTheme":"vscode-icons","editor.detectIndentation":false,"editor.tabSize":2,"editor.lineHeight":24,"editor.fontSize":18,"editor.renderWhitespace":"all","editor.formatOnSave":true,"editor.snippetSuggestions...
3. Editor title context menu Acknowledgement Todo License Markdown Editor — A full-featured WYSIWYG editor for markdown Demo Features What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Auto sync changes between vsc editor and webview Copy markdown/html ...
Incorrect behaviour in (git) conflict resolution with XLF filesmerge-conflictMerge conflict decorations and actions #240788 openedFeb 14, 2025byaberonni 2 Failed to execute 'createScriptURL' on 'TrustedTypePolicy'bugIssue identified by VS Code Team member as probable bugelectron-34-updateregressionSom...