Markdownlint:可提供实时的Markdown语法格式检查,但其对语法格式过于严格,可根据自身情况选择安装 Markmap:能将Markdown文件预览为思维导图形式,十分推荐 所包含的Mermaid插件: Markdown Preview Mermaid Support:能在Markdown文件中书写Mermaid格式的文本 Mermaid Markdown Syntax Highlighting:可以将Mermaid格式的文本高亮显...
Another place where this is very apparent: new languages added to VSCode don't have syntax highlighting by default in the markdown preview. Oddly enough, any code blocks added as markdown and displayed via hover help and a language server have the proper color/style to match the editor, but...
"editor.insertSpaces": true,//敲下Tab键时插入4个空格而不是制表符 "editor.copyWithSyntaxHighlighting": false,//复制代码时复制纯文本而不是连语法高亮都复制了 "editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false,//这个开不开效果好像都一样,据说是因为一个bug,建议关掉 "editor.stickyTabStops": true...
它的优点在于语法高亮支持非常好,缺点就是- [ ]checklist 的语法支持好像有点问题,我留了个 issue,好像没反馈……? Markdown Preview Mermaid Support 添加Mermaid 的支持,对于 Mermaid 的只吃好像更新也不是非常勤快,最新版本的语法还是没法用 不过比起没有好多了 Mermaid Markdown Syntax Highlighting Mermaid 的语...
What is the problem? I enjoy writing in markdown but would prefer to not see the markdown decorations when not editing that word/text and ideally never see them... similar to how Notion handles it i.e. they act more as a shortcut to add ...
vscode的定位是lightning fast source code editor, perfect for day-to-day use, 也就是一个超级快速的源码编辑器,希望大家天天用他。 他提供基本的 syntax highlighting 语法高亮, bracket-matching括号匹配, auto-indentation自动缩进, box-selection区块选择, snippets代码片段,等等。
In this lesson, I add settings to update the syntax highlighting for the Synthwave '84 theme in Markdown and MDX files. We do this by inspecting TM scopes and making custom rules in oursettings.json. "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {"[SynthWave '84]": {"textMateRules": [ ...
Markdown 格式提示 vetur Vue 开发生态必备插件(官方推荐),处理的是. vue 文件,支持 Syntax Highlighting, Emmet 2.0,Snippet,Foramtting,IntelliSense,Linting 等 Prettier 代码格式化 Beautify 代码格式化 vscode-icons 给不同类型的文件加上图标,方便文件查找 ...
从UE官网下载wordfile扩展文件包, ,解压后找到文件 “...
position of cursor at status line {{{ set ruler " }}} " Syntex highlighting {{{ syntax on ...