Environment OS and Version: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS VS Code Version: 1.89 C/C++ Extension Version: v1.20.5 Bug Summary and Steps to Reproduce Create a .cpp file with LF line endings. Configure a .clang-format file with LineEnding: CRLF The form...
VSCode Version: 1.21.1 OS Version: Windows 10 Steps to Reproduce: open a file with line ending sequence "\r" editor shows "LF" which means "\n", and there is no "CR" option
快速打开使用快捷键 Ctrl+Shift+P ,然后搜索settingPreferences:Open Default Settings(JSON) 可以在你的默认配置中看到这些,然后自己配置的时候,不懂的地方,可以参考这里1 { 2 // 控制在差异编辑器中是否把前导空格或尾随空格的改动显示为差异。3 "diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": true...
issue-60 "Should add a function to remove line breaks and spaces" Thanks @neoarc issue-68 Crashing Notepad++ issue-72 tab setting from notepad++ settings are not honored issue-73 Display tree for Array of Object issue-80 use line ending setting from editor Relaxed parsing. Supports trailling...
//不使用prettier格式化的文件填写在项目的.prettierignore文件中"prettier.jsxBracketSameLine":false,//在jsx中把'>' 是否单独放一行"prettier.jsxSingleQuote":false,//在jsx中使用单引号代替双引号"prettier.parser": "babylon",//格式化的解析器,默认是babylon"prettier.requireConfig":false,//Require a '...
"markdown.links.openLocation": "currentGroup", // Sets how line-breaks are rendered in the markdown preview. Setting it to 'true' creates a for newlines inside paragraphs. "markdown.preview.breaks": false, // Double click in the markdown preview to switch to the editor. "markdown....
要想在 MinGW 模式下运行,且不安装 MSVC 相关组件,可以通过添加 target 选项来编译,例如:--target=x86_64-w64-windows-gnu或--target=x86_64-w64-mingw将 target 改为 mingw,运行结果如下图示。 增加target 编译选项运行 代码相关 插件安装 打开vscode,界面显示如下图示,点击右下角的安装并重启,即可将语言设置...
// The setting is deprecated. Use editor.codeActionsOnSave instead with a source.fixAll.eslint member. // Turns auto fix on save on or off. "eslint.autoFixOnSave": true, // "eslint.codeAction.disableRuleComment": { "enable": true, "location": "separateLine" }, // ...
git clone with lf line ending on windows 5年前 .gitignore Huge refactoring. Adds basis for custom drawio plugins. 5年前 .gitmodules Implements offline mode and config options to disable the offline mode. 5年前 .prettierignore simplify running prettier ✨ 5年前 .prettierrc.json...
GitLab: Open Active File on GitLab- View active file on GitLab with highlighting active line number and selected text block.Read more. GitLab: Validate GitLab CI/CD Config- Validate GitLab CI/CD configuration file.gitlab-ci.yml.Read more. ...