然后在defines中添加宏,也就是在keil的Options for Target的C++选项卡中配置的宏,然后就可以体验VS Code强大的代码提示,函数跳转等功能了(甩keil的编辑器一整个时代)。 Part4编译、烧录 编译和烧录通过VS Code的Task功能实现,通过Task,使用命令行的方式调用keil进行编译和烧录。 keil本身就支持命令行调用,具体可以参...
把MinGW\bin 加到系统变量的Path里。 6. Vscode打开和编译 keil 项目 使用open proejct 打开keil的工程,在左侧找到 KEIL UVISION PROJECT。 鼠标移到 Target 1上,会出现编译、下载图标。 如果提示安装 .Net framework,按提示安装。 目前这个环境只能使用vscode实现开发、编译、下载,并不能进行单步调试。 后续章节再...
[cpptools] The build configurations generated do not contain the active build configuration. Using 'Debug' for CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE instead of 'Debug hard' to ensure that IntelliSense configurations can be found I'll also ask my team members that initially noticed this behavior, if it's solved on...
(CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_TARGET_TYPE STATIC_LIBRARY) # 包含gcc头文件路径 SET(SYSTEM_PATH "-isystem C:/~Arm_Development_Toolchains/gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10/arm-none-eabi/include") # 定义通用编译器参数; # ${MCPU_FLAGS} 处理器内核信息 # ${VFP_FLAGS} 浮点运算单元类型 # ${SYSTEM_PATH} ...
But, when we are use the other compilers (e.g. IAR EW, KEIL, SDCC), then the extension report an erros, that the includes did not found: [04.11.2020, 16:33:03] Unable to resolve configuration with compilerPath: "C:/Program Files (x86)/IAR Systems/Embedded Workbench 8.4/arm/bin/icc...