下面创建maven项目:快捷键ctrl + shift + p打开command窗口,输入maven,选择maven-archetype-quickstart,然后选择一个版本后,创建一个maven项目,在输入几个关键的参数后(groupId、artifactId、package等),显示BUILD SUCCESS即为创建成功。打开刚才所创建的项目,可以看到main和test两个目录。 4. 测试环境(Java Test Runne...
首先对pom.xml进行配置,需要注意的是把dependencies的version改为4.11以上,否则会出现junit导入不进来的情况。 <properties><java.version>1.8</java.version><maven.compiler.source>1.8</maven.compiler.source><maven.compiler.target>1.8</maven.compiler.target></properties> 对setting.json进行如下配置: "java.te...
"java.test.config":[{"name":"myConfiguration","workingDirectory":"${workspaceFolder}","vmargs":["-Xmx512M"],"env":{"key":"value"},},{// Another configuration item...},...] Note: The commandsRun With ConfigurationandDebug With Configurationareremovedfrom version0.14.0. The extension wi...
打开命令面板 (Ctrl+Shift+P) 运行 SFTP:Config命令 内容如下 { "name": "OK3568",//名称随便 "host": "",//ARM的IP "protocol": "sftp",//协议类型 "port": 22,//端口 "username": "forlinx",//用户名 "password": "forlinx",//密码 "remotePath": "/home/forlinx/test",//远端...
"runtimeExecutable":"${config:php.validate.executablePath}", "port": 9000, "pathMappings": { "/mnt/d/code/php2/worktest": "${workspaceRoot}" } } ] } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ...
To achieve this, you can add the configuration into your workspace settings under the section: java.test.config.Note: More details can be found here.View Test ResultAfter running/debugging the test cases, the state of the related test items will be updated in both editor decoration and test ...
java debug extension config and usage for single source file java单文件调试可以参考下 环境 contos+...
2022.9 更新 第 4 版现已正式发布。VS Code Config Helpervscch.guyutongxue.site ...
首先配置项java.configuration.maven.userSettings在maven扩展中不起作用, 在GitHub issue #140中有解释 For now, this maven extension works independently with the language server, so it never reads any java.* config. Use extra parameters to specify your own settings file. ...
java.debug.settings.vmArgs: The default VM arguments to launch the Java program. Eg. Use '-Xmx1G -ea' to increase the heap size to 1GB and enable assertions. If you want to customize the VM arguments for a specific debug session, please modify the 'vmArgs' config in launch.json. java...