第一步:安装MinGW MinGW是GNU为windows环境提供的编译工具链,其安装方法网上有一大堆,这里简要提一下。 首先下载MinGW安装器:下载链接 安装以后,运行安装器,标记mingw32-base-bin和mingw32-gcc-g++-bin两项为安装,在左上角的Installation菜单中提交更改。安装过程需要从境外网站下载文件,所以可能比较慢。 然后添加系统...
C:\Users\hp>stack --resolver lts-18.27 setup Warning: http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/stackage/stack-setup.yaml: Unrecognized field in GHCDownloadInfo: version Preparing to install GHC to an isolated location. This will not interfere with any system-level installation. Already downloaded. D...
Cloud Studio代码运行 total_sum=0forxinrange(1,101):total_sum+=xprint(total_sum) 在执行代码之前要保证你的系统已经安装了python解释器,那么选中test.py的文件,右击点击在终端中运行python文件 那么如果正常的话就可以输出结果了
搜索研究也同时找到了 Solution,这里以 Windows10 为例,Mac OS 同理。 Error 详情如下: Please make sure you are connected to the internet! Check C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\vscode_inst.py.log Solution: 首先点击 Abort ,此时 Anaconda3 的安装界面会显示VSCode Installation Failed :( 如下: 2. 找到文件 ...
The problem is that this script is meant for development mode, and I'd like to run VSCode in production mode. I don't find any executable named Code anywhere in node's bin or VSCode's source directory. Also, during the installation procedure the windows-mutex package attempts to install ...
先勾选最下方的选项添加环境变量选项,然后点击Customize installation。注意一定要勾选最下面一个选项,它可以自动帮你添加windows环境变量。点击完成后,进入下一个步骤: 选择号对应安装目录后就可以开始安装。 安装完成后,要测一测自己安装的python是否成功?我们按win+R,输入cmd,打开命令提示符窗口,输入python,如果你出...
Npm / node installation Another option, is to use the solc npm package in your project, if this is enabled it will try to find the compiler in your configured node_modules at root. You can install solc using npm at the root of your project as follows. npm install solc The default mo...
对于Mac 系统:先切换为英文输入法,然后运行/<path-to-im-select-installation>/im-select输出默认输入法键值。下表列出 MacOS 常见的英文键值布局: 对于Windows 系统:输入法键值获取详情请参考im-select guide。通常来说,如果你的键盘布局为 en_US,那么键盘输入法键值为1033(建议添加该键盘布局为默认输入法)。你也...
Windows Linux MacOS Docker 按需选择吧 3.编码 略过 4.调试配置 假设你已经编码完成, F5开始调试->Select Envoriment->.net core 4.1 生成并修改launch.json 然后就会创建.vscode文件夹,且创建了launch.json 代码语言:javascript 复制 {// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.// Hover to view...
Check theSonarQube for IDE: VS Code documentationfor the most up-to-date requirements, installation instructions, and feature details. Sonar'sClean Code solutionshelp developers deliver high-quality, efficient code standards that benefit the entire team or organization. ...