一、安装node 二、配置淘宝镜像 三、配置 vscode(win10) 四、全局安装脚手架 五、创建项目 编写第一个 react 程序教程 一、安装node 请在官网下载安装:https://nodejs.org/zh-cn/ vscode 中 点击 (ctrl + `) 调出终端 输入指令node -v,能显示版本号,说明 node 已经装好了 输入指令npm -v,能显示版本号...
I am trying to follow the "getting started" guide for quarto with vscode and cannot get the first example to work. This one: https://quarto.org/docs/get-started/hello/vscode.html.I am on a windows 11 machine and manage my python interpreters with pyenv-win. The global default python ...
By default, jest command is executed in default shell ('cmd' for windows, '/bin/sh' for non-windows). Users can use the "jest.shell" setting to either pass the path of another shell (e.g. "/bin/zsh") or a LoginShell config, e.g. {"path": "/bin/bash", "args": ["--logi...
Windows: For windows users, Xdebug is providing a wizard tool through which you can download the related .dll file. For this, first, create a PHP file in folder, and add the following line of code: <?php phpinfo(); ?> Run the file in the browser. You will see the PHP information....
在Windows平台安装DevEco Device Tool安装成功,打开VSCode点击DevEco图标后,正常应该显示如下图1。如果安装失败,则显示如下图2。 图1DevEco Device Tool安装成功 图2DevEco Device Tool安装失败 解决措施 可能原因一:Python版本不匹配 出现以上问题,可能的原因之一为Python版本不匹配,例如开发者使用的是Anaconda3软件管理...
It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages (C++, C#, Python, PHP) and runtimes. Visual Studio Code 是一个运行在桌面上,并且可用于Windows,Mac OS X和Linux平台的的轻量级且功能强 大的源代码编辑器。它配备了...
Microsoft在2015年4月30日Build 开发者大会上正式宣布了 Visual Studio Code 项目:一个运行于 Mac OS X、Windows和 Linux 之上的,针对于编写现代 Web 和云应用的平台源代码编辑器。 首先建立一个文件夹📂叫做vs_code_python(文件夹📂位置自己选择),这个文件夹📂作为我们的Python编程的工作空间。
npm start#OR: for vite debug outputnpm run start:debug For the debug feature, also run: npm run start:debugServer ⚠️Building monaco-vscode-api is only supported on Linux or Mac. It you use Windows, have a look atWSL⚠️
Microsoft's Visual Studio Code (vscode) is a source-code editor developed for Windows, Linux, and macOS. The code editor supports debugging, syntax highlighting, automatic code completion, snippets, embeddedGitcontrol, etc. vscode is open source. It supports an abundance of extensions acts as a...
在Windows平台安装了DevEco Device Tool后,如果重新安装了Python,且安装过程中修改了安装的路径。当再次打开VSCode的时候,无法打开DevEco Device Tool,日志信息提示“No Python at'D:\Program Files\Python38\python.exe'”。 解决措施 出现以上情况,是因为DevEco Device Tool运行需要使用python的虚拟环境,DevEco Device ...