It's hard to get previous version releases of extension. When you are using old version of vscode, you can't install the latest debugger due to compatibility exp (Unable to install extension 'ms-python.python' as it is not compatible with VS Code '1.75.1'.). Just install it manually,...
and adjusted the extension directory setting from d:\vscode\Microsoft VS Code\extensions to default(c:\Users\wakak\.vscode\extensions), and VSCode was able to load extensions properly again. This
步骤四. 右键点击该文件,选择Install Extension VSIX 9. 远端重启后,需要删除本地known_hosts才能连接 ...
You can install a previous release of VS Code by uninstalling your current version and then installing the download provided at the top of a specificrelease notespage. Note:On Linux: If the VS Code repository was installed correctly then your system package manager should handle auto-updating in...
Need to Install Cortex-M Debug Extension, Enjoy debugging! 0 Kudos Reply AMend.7 Associate III 2023-03-14 03:20 PM Hi, How to make a project for Visual Studio Code using STM32CubeMX? In the current version there is still no option to choose VS Code as IDE. In the in...
Make a note of your cluster’s name, as you will need it later in Step 5 when you add cluster information to the extension. Step 2: Install Visual Studio Code To install Visual Studio Code, follow the instructions formacOS,Linux, orWindows. ...
// 配置语言的文件关联 (如: `"*.extension": "html"`)。这些关联的优先级高于已安装语言的默认关联。668 "files.associations": {}, 669 670 // 启用后,将在文件打开时尝试猜测字符集编码。可以按语言对此项进行配置。671 "files.autoGuessEncoding": false...
"version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "TEST_Launch_MSVC_cl_built_64bit_EXE", "type": "cppvsdbg", "request": "launch", "program": "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe", "args": [], "stopAtEntry": false, ...
User cannot change the command "Intel oneAPI: Configure cpp properties configuration", but wait newer version of "Analysis Configurator for Intel® oneAPI Toolkits" extension supporting oneapi 2024.1 for windows vscode.(no way to remove -dD or -xc++ flags in vscode command) 2. vscode cannot de...
I just found I cannot install any VSCode extension on the slurm node. Some are necessary to me, like, to preview data. I think it's also due to network restriction. Can we just add the vscode-related domains to some whitelist to resolve all this kind of things? Transl...