Hi, In Windows 10 Edu, 20H2, VS Code 1.52.1 does not install any extension via command line as per the online instructions. "code --install-extension ( | ) Installs an extension." It simply loads the GUI and produces the following output...
"request": "launch", // 请求配置类型,可以为launch(启动)或attach(附加) "program": "${workspaceFolder}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe",// 将要进行调试的程序的路径 "args": [], // 程序调试时传递给程序的命令行参数,一般设为空即可 "stopAtEntry": false, // 设为true时程序将暂停在程序入口处...
command lines to install necessary vscode plugins code --install-extension johnpapa.Angular2 code --install-extension ryanolsonx.solarized code --install-extension eamodio.gitlens code --install-extension k--kato.intellij-idea-keybindings code --install-extension bierner.markdown-mermaid code --in...
### 1. 安装Xcode Command Line Tools Xcode Command Line Tools包含了Clang编译器和其他一些必要的工具。请按照以下步骤安装: 1. 打开终端。 2. 输入以下命令:`xcode-select –install`。 3. 出现提示时,点击安装按钮并同意许可协议。 ### 2. 设置编译器路径 在VSCode中,我们需要设置编译器的路径。在VSCode...
I also tried to switch to another network, but still cannot install any extension. There is no error message. Can anybody help to figure out how to install extensions? Install attempt using extensions manager: Install attempt using command line: visual-studio-code Share Improve this question Foll...
ison=$(echo"$installed"|grep$1)if[["$ison"!=""]]thenecho"略,早都安完了,$1"return0fiecho"正在试 $1"msg=`code --install-extension $12>&1`echo"尝试 $1 结果: $msg"result=$(echo"$msg"|grep-P"TIME.*OUT | getaddrinfo.*NOT.*FOUND")if[["$result"!=""]]thenecho"网不好,再试...
When I use the command line code --install-extension ${extension} to update the plugin, I get an error. the Error message is Error while installing the extension ${id} Cannot find the installed extension Vscode - userdata: $HOME /. Vscod...
{"command": "extension.wx-minipro-helper","title": "wx-minipro-helper"} ] },"scripts": {"lint": "eslint .","pretest": "yarn run lint","test": "node ./test/runTest.js"},"devDependencies": {"@types/glob": "^7.1.3","@types/mocha": "^8.0.0","@types/node": "^12.11....
– 在用户设置中,搜索关键字“extension”或者“platformio”,找到“PlatformIO IDE”的配置项。 – 在配置文件中找到“platform_packages”字段,点击“编辑setting.json”,然后会进入设置界面。 – 在设置界面的“PlatformIO(settings.json)”中找到”platform_packages”字段所对应的值,点击”编辑 JSON”按钮。在该字段...
"version":"2.0.0","tasks":[{"label":"gcc","type":"shell",// { shell | process }// 适用于 Windows 的配置:"windows":{"command":"gcc","args":["-g","\"${file}\"","-o","\"${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe\""// 设置编译后的可执行文件的字符集为 GB2312:/...