sudo docker run -it -v additional_path_outside:additional_path_inside \ --name containerName --gpus all --shm-size 64G -p 10010:22 image_repository:tag /bin/bash 罗列所有的container,可通过grep进行筛选,查看自己的容器是否符合预期。 sudo docker container ls -a 容器内环境配置 此时容器构建完毕...
{ "name": "c/c++", "build": { "dockerfile": "Dockerfile" }, // Features to add to the dev container. More info: // "features": {}, // Use 'forwardPorts' to make a list of ports inside the container available locally. // "forwardPorts": [...
testcontainers DEBUG Re-using cached authforregistry +0ms testcontainers INFO Docker host strategy INSIDE_CONTAINER_IPAM: +3ms testcontainers WARN Unable to detect docker-compose version, is it installed?Error: spawn docker-compose ENOENT +17ms testcontainers ...
里面只字未提Remote,而提到的时候,是在AdvancedContainer Configuration这一文档中的Developing inside a container on a remote Docker host部分。在这里的介绍中,我清楚地认识到 Remote - Containers 默认确实指的是连接本地容器(毕竟本地的容器相对于本地来说,也算是远程操作系统了): Sometimesyou may want to use...
首先是一些查看镜像(image)和容器(container)的命令: 列出本机的所有 image 文件:docker image ls 删除image 文件:docker image rm [imageName] 列出本机正在运行的容器:docker container ls -l 列出本机所有容器,包括终止运行的容器:docker container ls -l --all ...
Type: Bug Create Docker image and Docker container: expose port 5679 # debugpy expose port 8888 # jupyter notebook Set up supervisord.conf: [program:jupyterlab] command=jupyter lab --ip= --port=8888 --no-browser --allow-root autos...
Your program can run remotely on any OS including Linux-based embedded likeRaspbian OS(refer toRaspberry Pi OS Guide), on a cloud platform, or inside aDockercontainer. You can connect toany GDB stubthat complies with the remote gdbserver protocol: for example,Qemuto debug OS kernels orOpenOC...
都设置完之后,点开 Remote Explorer,如果能够看到docker的容器信息,辣就是成功嘞。 最后 让我们一起学习,一起进步,一起头秃~ 欢迎关注我的个人公众号哈!公众号私信我秒回~ 参考文章 [1] Docker官方教程:Enable the remote api for dockerd [2] Microsoft官方教程:Developing inside a container on a remote Do...
VSCode 设置 docker host 截图 × 02 × 测试一下 都设置完之后,点开Remote Explorer,如果能够看到docker的容器信息,那就是成功嘞。 VSCode Remote Explorer 截图 参考文章 [1] Docker官方教程:Enable the remote api for dockerd[6] [2] Microsoft官方教程:Developing inside a container on a remote Docker ho...
填写docker host 地址 测试一下 都设置完之后,点开Remote Explorer,如果能够看到docker的容器信息,辣就是成功嘞。 打开Remote Explorer 参考文章 [1]Docker官方教程:Enable the remote api for dockerd [2]Microsoft官方教程:Developing inside a container on a remote Docker host...