Beautify Vue or wpy code in Visual Studio Code. preview Usage Keyboard Shortcut: ctrl+shift+6 ; Open context menu in wpy, choose Beautify wpy ; Press F1, search Beautify wpy, and click the item. Indent Option The wpy-beautify’s indent option according to the textEditor’s indent option,... 主命令框 F1 或Ctrl+Shift+P: 打开命令面板。在打开的输入框内,可以输入任何命令,例如: 按一下 Backspace 会进入到Ctrl+P模式 在Ctrl+P下输入 > 可以进入Ctrl+Shift+P模式 在Ctrl+P窗口下还可以: -直接输入文件名,跳转到文件 ? 列出当前可执...
"leetcode.hint.commandShortcut": false, "[less]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "HookyQR.beautify" }, "": "open", "[html]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "HookyQR.beautify" }, "[css]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "HookyQR.beautify" }, "cssrem...
// 配置语言的文件关联 (如: `"*.extension": "html"`)。这些关联的优先级高于已安装语言的默认关联。668 "files.associations": {}, 669 670 // 启用后,将在文件打开时尝试猜测字符集编码。可以按语言对此项进行配置。671 "files.autoGuessEncoding": false...
You must match the filename as well. Embedded version of js-beautify is v1.8.4 Keyboard Shortcut Use the following to embed a beautify shortcut in keybindings.json. Replace with your preferred key bindings. { "key": "cmd+b", "command": "HookyQR.beautify", "when": "editorFocus" }...
Embedded version of js-beautify is a custom forklocated herebased on thisGist Use the following to embed a beautify shortcut in keybindings.json. Replace with your preferred key bindings. {"key":"cmd+b","command":"Blade.beautify","when":"editorFocus"} ...
快捷键 通用快捷键 快捷键 作用 Ctrl+Shift+P,F1 展示全局命令面板 Ctrl+P 快速打开最近打开的文件 Ctrl+Shift+N 打开新的编辑器窗口 Ctrl+Shift+W 关闭编辑...
// - ecmel.vscode-html-css: CSS support for HTML documents // - eg2.tslint: TSLint for Visual Studio Code // - febean.vue-format: A beautify extension for .vue file // - fishku.vant-snippets: Vant Snippets for VS Code // - HookyQR.beautify: Beautify code in place for VS...
gencer.html-slim-scss-css-class-completion gerane.Theme-Sunburst ghgofort.neon-vommit HookyQR.beautify httpsterio.henna ivanzusko.theme-jo-light jdinhlife.gruvbox jolaleye.horizon-theme-vscode josef.rouge-theme ...
Beautify code in place for VS Code html2pugTransform html to pug inside your Visual Studio Code, forget about using an external page anymore.ECMAScript Quotes TransformerTransform quotes of ECMAScript string literals Paste and IndentPaste code with “correct” indentation ...