如果不配置 clang-format.exe 路径,格式化代码就会报错如下: The 'clang-format' command is not available. Please check your clang-format.executable user setting and ensure it is installed. 4. 格式化代码的快捷键 格式化部分代码: 选中部分代码,ctrl + k , ctrl + f 格式化所有代码: shift + alt + f...
设置代码风格样式 打开Clang-Format插件的配置页面:vscode -> Settings -> Extensions -> Clang-Format configuration Fallback Style:选择你喜欢的风格样式,可以使用以下这些值,这些都是最受欢迎的C++代码风格样式: LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit。 自定义代码样式 如果以上这些代码风格的样式都不能满足你...
安装VSCode clangd插件搜索安装 Clangd 插件,并禁用 Microsoft C++ 插件以避免冲突, 然后重启 VSCode。 Clangd 插件默认是和微软的 C++ 插件(cpptools)冲突的,可以通过禁用或卸载 cpptools 插件来避免冲突, 也可以通过在用户全局的 setting.json 中配置如下选项来避免冲突: // Microsoft CppTools plugin "C_Cpp.intelli...
快速打开使用快捷键 Ctrl+Shift+P ,然后搜索settingPreferences:Open Default Settings(JSON) 可以在你的默认配置中看到这些,然后自己配置的时候,不懂的地方,可以参考这里1 { 2 // 控制在差异编辑器中是否把前导空格或尾随空格的改动显示为差异。3 "diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": true...
open a command prompt and runnpm config editand add or modify themsvs_versionsetting equal to your vs version. (e.g.msvs_version=2022for visual studio 2022) Warning:Make sure your profile path only contains ASCII letters, e.g.John, otherwise, it can lead tonode-gyp usage problems (node...
I am creating the projects through "spring initializer: generate a maven project". I am setting the group and artifact id. I selecting boot version I am selecting the dependencies The project gets created and the pop to open it also pres...
"python.command.python.switchToWeeklyChannel.title": "Switch to Insiders Weekly Channel", "python.command.python.clearWorkspaceInterpreter.title": "Clear Workspace Interpreter Setting", "python.command.python.resetInterpreterSecurityStorage.title": "Reset Stored Info for Untrusted Interpreters", "pyth...
Add a script to enable running tests locally (#2979) 5年前 images Fix image size and remove logo insets (#2628) 6年前 languages Add line comment language configuration for go.mod (#2761) 5年前 scripts Fix #438 When debug process is stopped kill all processes started by it(#765) ...
[安装...go插件] 配置vscode for go 选中左下方齿轮按钮,选中setting [进入配置] 选中UserSetting->Extension->Go configuration->Edit in...vscode调试配置 选中左下方齿轮按钮,选中Command Palette: [进入命令行面板] 输入 launch.json,选择 Debug: Open launch.json: [打开launch.json...重启vscode,添加代码...