FROMgolang:1.14.4# 构建 dlv 调试工具RUNgo get 先在 debug 的基础镜像中编译一下项目文件,# 使得改完代码再次编译时能使用当前编译的依赖缓存,加快 debug 镜像的编译# 若更改了 go.mod 文件,最好重新编译 debug 基础镜像WORKDIR/ .RUNmkdi...
$ go get -u 设置launch.json 配置文件 command + shift + p 调出下拉列表,输入或者选择 Debug: Open launch.json,打开 launch.json 文件,如果第一次打开,会新建一个配置文件,默认配置内容如下 { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Launch", "...
{"command":"launch","arguments": {"name":"Launch Package","type":"go","request":"launch","mode":"debug","program":".","__configurationTarget":6,"packagePathToGoModPathMap": {"/home/john/wsp/vscodewp/vscode-go-review/sampleWorkspace":"/home/john/wsp/vscodewp/vscode-go-review/sampl...
When you need more than the default debugging setup, you can create a launch configuration file for the project. To create a configuration file: In the the Run view, click "create a launch.json file" Choose Go: Launch Package from the debug configuration drop-down menu. VS Code will creat...
$ go get -u 设置launch.json 配置文件 command + shift + p 调出下拉列表,输入或者选择 Debug: Open launch.json,打开 launch.json 文件,如果第一次打开,会新建一个配置文件,默认配置内容如下 {"version":"0.2.0","configurations":[{"name":"Launch","type":"go...
安装go插件 配置vscode for go 选中左下方齿轮按钮,选中setting 进入配置 选中UserSetting->Extension->Go configuration->Edit in setting.json 打开go的配置文件 修改配置文件参考: 代码语言:txt 复制 { "go.buildOnSave": "workspace", "go.lintOnSave": "package", ...
Can NOT debug. Always pop-up this dialog tell me that Failed to launch: invalid debug configuration - cannot unmarshal bool into "env" of type string.and launch.json is here{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Launch Package", "type": "go", "request": "launch"...
main.go package main func main() { test() } test.go package main func test() { println("in test") } 在Code Runner插件的Doc地址中 找到如下Configuration的配置说明 Configuration Make sure the executor PATH of each language is set in the environment variable. You could also add entry into ...
# Tools Configuration ... ## Go env ... GOPROXY=",direct" GOROOT="/usr/lib/go-1.19" GOSUMDB="" 重新登录安装,很快就装上了 est (/home/hall/go/bin/gopls) SUCCEEDED 2024-07-05 01:05:16.290 [info] Installing
go install 配置 配置settings.json中的GOROOT和GOPATH 点击VS Code,点击最顶部栏的Code选项,选中Preferences,点击Settings,选中Extensions,点击Go configuration,在点击Edit in settings.json,打开settings.json文件,可以通过搜索go.go查到,settings.json 文件里面默认的go.gopath和...