In C# and visual studio stack traces we have the filename.extension:line numberformat E.g.
const id = <any>function (target: Function, key: string, index: number): any { if (arguments.length !== 3) { throw new Error('@IServiceName-decorator can only be used to decorate a parameter'); } storeServiceDependency(id, target, index); }; id.toString = () => serviceId; _u...
End 转到行尾 Go to end of line Ctrl+Home 转到文件开头 Go to beginning of file Ctrl+End 转到文件末尾 Go to end of file Alt+单击 插入光标 Insert cursor 按住Alt键,可以插入多个光标 Ctrl+Alt+↑/↓ 在上/下插入光标 Insert cursor above / below 用在行首或者列表插入内容很好用 Ctrl + Al...
所以还不如直接使用全部环境都集成好的 IDEA。 Go vscode 对 go 语言的支持非常不错,在某些功能上甚至比 Jetbrains 家的 Goland 还要好用,比如 golint。 和Java 一样,golang 一般也是用来编写大型的后端项目,这类的项目代码文件非常多,感觉还是不太适合 vscode,这点还是仁者见仁。 Hive SQL HiveSQL 语法支持,...
${lineNumber} - the current selected line number in the active file ${selectedText} - the current selected text in the active file ${execPath} - the path to the running VS Code executable ${defaultBuildTask} - the name of the default build task ...
// 当存在多个目标位置时, 控制 "Go To" 命令 (如 "Go To Definition") 的行为。172 // - peek: 显示结果的预览视图 (默认值) 173 // - gotoAndPeek: 转到主结果并显示预览视图 174 // - goto: 转到主要结果并忽略其他结果 175 "editor.gotoLocation.multiple": "peek", ...
b(break): b line_number 打断点 cl(clear): 清除断点 c(continue): 一直执行到断点 r(return): 从当前函数返回 j(jump): j line_number,跳过代码片段,直接执行指定行号所在的代码 l(list): 列出上下文代码 a(argument): 列出传入函数所有的参数值 ...
Error: Illegal value for lineNumber at U.getLineLength in src/vs/editor/common/model/textModel.ts:817:10 at y in src/vs/workbench/contrib/inlineChat/browser/utils.ts:32:78 at <anonymous> in out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:1910...
"go": "go run", "html": "\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe\"", "java": "cd $dir && javac $fileName && java $fileNameWithoutExt", "c": "cd $dir && gcc $fileName -o $fileNameWithoutExt && $dir$fileNameWithoutExt" ...
Editor customization (relative line number, scrolloff, etc) is handled by VSCode. Dot-repeat (.) is slightly different - moving the cursor within a change range won't break the repeat. sequence. In Neovim, if you type abc<cursor> in insert mode, then move the cursor to a<cursor>bc an...