或者直接用GUI客户端批量操作),发现后想要亡羊补牢在.gitignore里添加了[Bb]in/这条规则([Bb]in/=Bin/+bin/,也就是大小写都能匹配到),但是发现并没什么用,在命令行窗口使用git status可以看到bin文件夹里的文件无法被忽略:
- 此问题是由于“已经被纳入到Git的版本管理里面/跟踪文件清单”,已使用push命令将项目文件推送到了Git远程仓库了(例如GitHub) ### 解决 - 本地删除了target,并提交给远程仓库,之后.gitignore文件中的规则就可以正确忽略target文件夹了。 ### 参考文章 -解决.gitignore文件忽略规则无效git依然跟踪修改的问题-十有...
原因是之前已经跟踪了.vscode相关的文件,进行下面步骤 git rm -r --cached vscode从新提交之后即可生效
"search.exclude":{"**/node_modules":false,"./node_modules":false} 最后发现项目中存在.gitignore文件,vscode搜索时会自动过滤.gitignore这个配置。最终在setting.json设置中加入"search.useIgnoreFiles": false就好了。 微软老是加隐藏buf,真让人难找。
三、.vscode\settings.json文件需要加入到版本库,但.vscode文件夹下的其它文件需要忽略,因此修改.gitignore文件: 步骤一: 删除原来的.vscode 步骤二: 在文件末尾新增 .vscode/* !.vscode/settings.json .vscode __EOF__ https://www.cnblogs.com/pengchenggang/p/15921804.html ...
master vscode-python/.gitignore Go to file Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 14 lines (14 sloc) 190 Bytes Raw Blame .DS_Store out node_modules *.pyc **/.vscode/.ropeproject/** **/testFiles/**/.cache/** *.noseids .vscode-test __pycache__ npm-debug.log **/.mypy_...
GitLens Version: 10.2.3 VSCode Version: 1.51.0 OS Version: Ubuntu 20.04.1 Steps to Reproduce: For some reason it stopped working only for this one particular repo. Need advice what is wrong. Thanks Logs ``` [2020-11-07 23:24:31:177] [1] ...
Git stash & checkout is not working#170693 New issue Closed Type:Bug Hello, Team! When I want to stash & checkout to another branch, I get an error message (see attachment). Can you please support? StashAndCheckoutNotWorking VS Code version: Code 1.74.2 (e8a3071, 2022-12-20T10:29...
VSCode Version: 1.19.1 OS Version: High Sierra Steps to Reproduce: added .vscode/ to .gitignore unsure Reproduces without extensions: Yes as seen in the image, despite adding .vscode/settings.json and .vscode/ in the gitignore file the f...
配置 preLaunchTask :debug前需要执行的数据,直接给task.json中任务的name就行 postDebugTask :debug后...