Host HostName User git Port443PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa winows中 Image 3. 复制公钥 cat ~/.ssh/ OR windows: cat User/zhang/.ssh/ 将id_rsa.pub的公钥文件的所有内容复制,进入github设置里找到配置ssh的选项,粘贴...
Ideally the VSCODE should open external browser for the authentication. But that is not ahppening. The setting.json is like below { "workbench.colorTheme": "Visual Studio Dark", "git.path": "C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\git.exe", "github.gitAuthentication": true, "debug.javascript.r...
Hi! The authentication through GitHub does not work (the authentication with Microsoft works). VSCode Version: Version: 1.66.2 Commit: dfd34e8260c270da74b5c2d86d61aee4b6d56977 Date: 2022-04-11T07:49:24.808Z Electron: 17.2.0 Chromium: 98...
When signing in to GitHub from vscode, my default browser (Edge) opens a tab for authentication. The problem is that I want to authenticate to a user which is logged in on a different browser (Firefox) (***). It would be nice to have som...
Select the GitHub Authentication extension to handle login weep and probably give up before finding there's any way to get it to work Activity vscodenpaassigned TylerLeonhardton Oct 13, 2023 TylerLeonhardt commented on Oct 13, 2023 TylerLeonhardt on Oct 13, 2023 Member You should see a ...
We have enabled experimental functionality to support GitHub Enterprise Server, but this feature is an experimental beta and currently unsupported. To try this out, enable the use-enterprise setting to authenticate with your GitHub Enterprise Server Authentication Provider settings We currently do not ...
here the option to include github enterprise server accounts needs to be selected. The screen on the accounts basically has options for adding and authentication accounts using an embedded web browser. This means the add and reauthentication can be activated through this process. The option also al...
Sending GET request to vscode-proxy-agent: DIRECT Received response: - Status: 200 OK Certificate chain: - Subject: (Microsoft Corporation) Subject alt: ...
Questions? Authentication? GitHub Enterprise? See ourwikifor our FAQ. Contributing If you're interested in contributing, or want to explore the source code of this extension yourself, see ourcontributing guide, which includes:
Same issue here with Github Enterprise and SAML Auth. Cannot fetch github context Error: Cannot fetch github context at vt (c:\Users\user\.vscode\extensions\github.vscode-github-actions-0.26.2\dist\extension-node.js:2:1444927) at Bt (c:\Users\user\.vscode\extensions\github.vscode-github-acti...