$ git rebase -i Head~3 % 对head前3次提交进行变基 V. 情形四:修复或删除已提交commit中的错误(全部commit保留,新建一个正确commit) 主要指令:revert 观察第6次提交 观察第2次提交 $ git revert cad7d5ecff22719e3dcb55e44e11ee9a9ff0cd85 (第2次提交ID) 观察新增提交 当前HEAD没有2 观察第6次提...
revert 0.4.2 0.4.5 some bugfix 0.4.2 support[(,[{,]),]} 0.4.1 support{,} 0.4.0 support nmap nnoremap (use like vimrc setting) 0.3.13 support vim mode contexts for keyboard shortcuts #45 fix word motion bugs #38 0.3.12
${jest.testNamePattern} - will be replaced by the test block's full name (include the surrounding describe block names). ${jest.testFile} - will be replaced by the test file name. ${jest.testFilePattern} - will be replaced by the test file name suitable for regex arguments such as ...
在VS Code中,如果你执行了 git revert 操作并希望放弃这个操作,可以根据你的具体需求选择撤销 revert 提交或者恢复到 revert 前的状态。以下是一些详细的方法: 1. 撤销 git revert 提交 如果你希望撤销刚刚执行的 git revert 提交,可以使用 git revert 再次回退这次 revert 操作。 方法一:使用 git revert 撤销reve...
VSCode与Git操作指南在VSCode中进行Git操作时,我们通常关注于rebase、revert和reset的运用,以适应不同的开发和维护需求。1. rebase:合并特性分支与主分支当你在特性分支上完成开发,希望将更改合并到主分支时,rebase能帮助你避免merge后的多余commit。通过rebase,你可以根据origin/master的最新状态调整你的...
VSCode与Git操作指南:rebase、revert、reset的应用VSCode与Git的集成使得代码管理更加高效。本文将详细解释在特定情境下如何运用rebase、revert和reset操作。1. rebase:提交合并的优化当你在特性分支上开发新功能,并希望将这些更改直接应用到主分支时,rebase提供了更简洁的合并方式。通过先在本地开发,然后...
Revert pipenv activation to not use pipenv shell.` (#4394) Fix shift enter to send selection when cells are defined. (#4413) Icons should display only in test explorer. (#4418) Update ptvsd to 4.2.4. (#4457) BreakOnSystemExitZero now respected. Fix a bug causing breakpoints not to be...
{ "command": "git.revertSelectedRanges", "key": "ctrl+alt+z", "when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly" }, { "command": "git.sync", "key": "ctrl+t" }, { "command": "editor.action.dirtydiff.previous", "key": "shift+ctrl+alt+[ArrowUp]", "when": "editorTextFocus" }...
VSCode Version: 1.20.0 OS Version: Arch Linux, OSX High Sierra Reasoning: with Undo feature available under CTRL+Z, there's no need for an intrusive alert window like this. Open a file tracked in git. Make a change. Click on the blue thi...
Mahdi amolimoghaddam / gitlab-vscode-extension Merge branch 'renovate/uuid-11.x' into 'main' 0 0 0 0 Updated 2 months ago View gitlab-vscode-extension project SGS SOTF / gitlab-vscode-extension Merge branch '1536/add-webview-theme-textCodeBlock-var' into 'main' 0 0 0 0 ...