This time, Both sides of the diff only show the character from before. It seems like the wrong content is shown for PDFs that are not currently checked out. Note: In practice, one would usually not look at PDFs like this, of course. One would use a PDF viewer extension. However, th...
Git History Diff gitignore commit 相关:辅助添加标准化的 commit 信息 GitHub - RedJue/git-commit-plugin: Automatically generate git commit 交互式对话框输入规范化 commit GitHub - Rakers1024/rakers-git-commit-vscode: Git提交规范VSCode插件 选择规范化 commit 信息头输入 commit 框,适合简单输入 GitHub - ...
GitHub - Rakers1024/rakers-git-commit-vscode: Git提交规范VSCode插件 选择规范化 commit 信息头输入 commit 框,适合简单输入 GitHub - bendera/vscode-commit-message-editor: Edit commit messages in a convenient way. 提供一个窗口以表单或者文本的形式输入 commit GitHub - rioukkevin/vscode-git-commit 交互...
If .git/config has "autocrlf = false" and try to commit file with other new line symbol, VSCode diff viewer show that file was changed but no changes in the file. In same timegit diffshow that changed all file. Why this is not a bug?
GitLens:显示每一行的提交人和对应commit,右上角的那个分支图标可以以不同样式显示当前文件修改记录 Git History:右键某个文件或某一行,看该文件或该行的历史提交 Git Blame:底部状态栏显示当前行的提交记录 注释:koroFileHeader tabnine 代码历史提示 Code Runner:多种语言运行环境 ...
Git History git 存储库,方便文件备份。 步骤一:配置关联到 github 仓库 pass ,详见网上 参考链接: 步骤二:vscode 中 git 使用 ctrl+shift+p命令快捷键,输入 git,有全部提交选项 Vscode 侧边栏有文件修改未提交提示 ...
Java Dependency Viewer Install the Java Extension Pack 上面的几个是必备的,下面的可选的: There are also other popular Java extensions you can pick for your own needs, including:意思就是 官网推荐 使用下面插件开发Java Spring Boot Tools Spring Initializr Java Support ...
"git.alwaysShowStagedChangesResourceGroup": false, // 控制所有提交的 signoff 标志。 "git.alwaysSignOff": false, // 启用时,提交将自动从当前Git存储库的默认远程获取。 "git.autofetch": false, // 在启用 "git.autofetch" 情况下每次自动 git fetch 之间的间隔时间(以秒为单位)。 "
"git.autofetch": true, "git.path": "F:\\Program Files\\Git\\cmd\\git.exe", "search.exclude": { "**/node_modules": true, "**/dist": true }, "typescript.locale": "en", "window.titleBarStyle": "custom", "window.title": "${dirty}${activeEditorMedium}${separator}${rootName...