access your favorite Sūrya features from within vscode! interactive call graphs with call flow highlighting and more! 📈🎉 auto-generate UML diagrams from code to support your threat modelling exercises or documentation! Hover over Ethereum Account addresses to download the byte-code, source-code...
VSC,“设置 VSC”,,2021 年 7 月 29 日访问。 6 VSC,“VSC 的键绑定”,,2021 年 7 月 29 日访问。 7 VSC,“VSC 的键绑定” 8 VSC,“VSC 的键绑定” 9 VSC,“When 子句上下文...
From local or server. Snap to Border Export Diagrams At cursor, in current file, in whole workspace, in workspace selected. Concurrent export. Generate URLs. Multi-Page Diagram support. From local or server. Image map (cmapx) support. Editing Supports Format PlantUML code. (Deprecated) All...
github -> New gist -> create: 把gist id号copy,以备后续使用 github -> Settings -> Develop Settings -> Personal access tokens -> Generate new token: 把token字符串copy,以备后续使用 vscode -> ctrl + shift + p -> sync: Advance option -> sync: open settings -> 把 gist id号和token字符...
An extension to quickly generate test files.DendronAn extension that can turn Visual Studio Code into a PKM tool, with excellent UX, using Markdown files to organize and reference any amount of knowledge. Whether you organize your notes with PARA or Zettelkasten, link notes together like Roam,...
PlantUML是一个开源项目,支持通过简单直观的语言来定义以下UML图。 时序图 用例图 类图 活动图 组件图 状态图 对象图 部署图 定时图 支持生成图片格式有: PNG SVG LaTeX ASCII艺术图 (只针对时序图) 什么是PlantUML PlantUML是一个快速创建UML图形的组件,官网上之所以称它是一个组件,我 想主要是因为多数情况下...
UML(统一建模语言)关系 代码语言:javascript 复制 digraphUML{rankdir=LR// 设置字体防止乱码fontname="Microsoft YaHei"node[fontname="Microsoft YaHei"]edge[fontname="Microsoft YaHei"]子类->父类[label="1继承泛化 Generalizationextends" arrowhead="empty"]接口[label="接口interface"]实现->接口[label="2...
Mark down preview - Markdown Preview Enhanced is an extension that provides you with many useful functionalities such as automatic scroll sync, math typesetting, mermaid, PlantUML, pandoc, PDF export, code chunk, presentation writer, etc. A lot of its ideas are inspired by Markdown Preview ...
Rich PlantUML support for Visual Studio Code. Contribute to qjebbs/vscode-plantuml development by creating an account on GitHub.
Generate URLs. Multi-Page Diagram support. From local or server. Image map (cmapx) support. Editing Supports Format PlantUML code. All type syntax highlight. All type snippets. Basic auto completion & macro signature supportNEW!! Symbol List support. ...