If the CALL_GRAPH tag is set to YES then doxygen will generate a call dependency graph for every global function or class method. Note that enabling this option will significantly increase the time of a run. So in most cases it will be better to enable call graphs for selected functions o...
void = () => { }; unset: () => void = () => { }; isset: () => boolean = () => false; constructor() { trackDisposable(this); } set(fn: Function) { let callback: Function | undefined = fn; this.unset = () => callback = undefined; this.isset = () => callback ...
():\ndef __VSCODE_call_function(function, callback, data=None): 07:21:38.648 [trace] Executing silently Code (completed) = def __VSCODE_inject_module():\ndef __VSCODE_call_function(function, callback, data=None): with 0 output(s) 07:21:38.648 [debug] Requesting Kernel info 07:21:...
const localDefineFunc: IDefineFunc = <any>function () { receivedDefineCall = true; return globalDefineFunc.apply(null, arguments); }; localDefineFunc.amd = globalDefineFunc.amd; ret.call(global, moduleManager.getGlobalAMDRequireFunc(), localDefineFunc, options.filename, this._path.dirname(opti...
window.showErrorMessage(`API call failed: ${error.message}`); } } export function deactivate() {} 4. 运行和测试扩展 打开VSCode,加载你的扩展项目。 按F5启动扩展开发主机。 在开发主机中,按Ctrl+Shift+P打开命令面板,运行My Extension: Authenticate命令。 你应该会看到一个身份验证窗口,完成OAuth流程后...
将函数包装到 useCallback() 挂钩中**(新)** React:使用 React.forwardRef() 包装组件函数**(新)** React:用 React.memo() 包装组件函数**(新)** React:将函数转换为 React.FunctionComponent 声明**(新)** (3)JavaScript (ES6) code snippets(快速代码片段) ...
Type: Bug In a nodejs project right-click on a function and select Show Call Hierarchy. The generated list has omitted and repeated items at the same time and won't go deeper in any item. VS Code version: Code - OSS 1.85.0 (Commit unknow...
How to update the DOM using chrome.runtime.onMessageExternal function callback I'm working on a Chrome app that received an address from an extension and is supposed to open that URL in the app window, using the webview tag and Chrome runtime API message sending. I'm trying to g......
"end", "self:addTouchEventListenerWithType(item, callback)" ], "description": "self添加点击响应" }, "addTouchEventListener": { "prefix": "addTou", "body": [ "local function callback(sender, eventType)", "\t--local name = sender:getName()", ...
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