扩展支持的语言列表令人印象深刻,包括以下语言:Ada、AL、Apex、AsciiDoc、BrightScript、C、C#、C++、ColdFusion、Clojure、COBOL、CoffeeScript、CSS、Dart、Dockerfile、Elixir、Elm、Erlang、F#、Fortran、gdscript、GenStat、Go、GraphQL、Groovy、Haskell、Haxe、HiveQL、HTML、Java、JavaScript、JavaScript React、JSON with...
说明: 此扩展扩展了 HTML 和 ejs 代码编辑,Go To Definition 并Go To Symbol in Workspace 支持在源代码中的字符串中找到 css/scss/less(类和 ID)。 名称: IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML ID: Zignd. html-css-class-completion 说明: HTML 中 CSS 类名称的智能感应 class 一个Visual Studio...
1C/OScript - rich 1С:Enterprise 8 (BSL) language support in VSC - add syntax highlighting to *.bsl и *.os files in VSC, add IntelliSense and syntax helper for 1С langAutoHotkeyAutoHotkey PlusSyntax Highlighting, Snippets, Go to Definition, Signature helper and Code formatter ...
In a resolved file, right click code to see the editor context menu and see references like go to definition. Why don't I see some commands in certain files? If a file isn't a resolved project file, then the file-specific commands won't show up in the command palette. The other com...
1C/OScript - rich 1С:Enterprise 8 (BSL) language support in VSC - add syntax highlighting to *.bsl и *.os files in VSC, add IntelliSense and syntax helper for 1С lang AutoHotkey AutoHotkey Plus Syntax Highlighting, Snippets, Go to Definition, Signature helper and Code formatter Bash...
出现的问题,按照上面方法配置的在本人的win上出现Visual studio code debugger error : "Could not find the task 'gofortran'。 参考 Visual studio code debugger error : "Could not find the task 'gcc build active file'stackoverflow.com/questions/59106732/visual-studio-code-debugger-error-could-not...
1C/OScript - rich 1С:Enterprise 8 (BSL) language support in VSC - add syntax highlighting to *.bsl и *.os files in VSC, add IntelliSense and syntax helper for 1С langAutoHotkeyAutoHotkey PlusSyntax Highlighting, Snippets, Go to Definition, Signature helper and Code formatter...
2024了学习Fortran语言 挺好用的。 比C 写的简洁。 举例: Fortran 生成测试波形 generate_tone.f90 授权: WTFPL program plot_sine_wave implicit none integer :: i real :: x, y ! Open a file to write data points open(unit=10, file='data.dat', status='replace') ! Generate sine wave data ...
goessner.mdmath GrapeCity.gc-excelviewer hansec.fortran-ls James-Yu.latex-workshop jebbs.plantuml jithurjacob.nbpreviewer knom.office-mailapp-manifestuploader krvajalm.fortran krvajalm.linter-gfortran LiftlockStudios.cleanslate llvm-vs-code-extensions.vscode-clangd LucasBadico.code-flowchart lukapet...