[ // 如在 Windows 上使用 C/C++,在 Linux 上使用 clangd "ms-vscode.cpptools", "llvm-vs-code-extensions.vscode-clangd" ], // 启用 Markdown 打字机模式,打字时当前行位于屏幕中央 "[markdown]": { "editor.fontSize": 21, "editor.cursorSurroundingLines": 5 // 较大的值会完全居中 }, // ...
Fonts with good Unicode support: "editor.fontFamily": "Source Code Pro Medium, DejaVu Sans Mono". Note that for this configuration to work properly, both fonts must be specified in this order (so that characters that are not available in Source Code Pro are rendered using DejaVu Sans Mono)...
vim.easymotionMarkerFontFamilyThe font family used for the marker text. vim.easymotionMarkerFontSizeThe font size used for the marker text. vim.easymotionMarkerFontWeightThe font weight used for the marker text. vim.easymotionMarkerYOffsetThe distance between the top of the marker and the text (wi...
However, this can be very distracting during the talk. I don’t want people to think about my git aliases or my shell theme.I want them to focus on the content of my talk. Thus, I recommend getting rid of the fancy stuff during the presentation. A basic bash shell should be enough ...
"editor.fontSize": 20, "editor.lineHeight": 30, "editor.fontFamily": "JetBrains Mono", JetBrains Mono Download: https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/mono Tweaks & theming If you want to play around with new colors, use the setting workbench.colorCustomizations to customize the currently selected ...
vim.easymotionMarkerFontFamily The font family used for the marker text. vim.easymotionMarkerFontSize The font size used for the marker text. vim.easymotionMarkerFontWeight The font weight used for the marker text. vim.easymotionMarkerYOffset The distance between the top of the marker and the tex...
true,"mssql.intelliSense.enableQuickInfo":true,"mssql.intelliSense.lowerCaseSuggestions":false,"mssql.resultsFontFamily":"-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe WPC,Segoe UI,HelveticaNeue-Light,Ubuntu,Droid Sans,sans-serif","mssql.resultsFontSize":13,"mssql.copyIncludeHeaders":false,"mssql.copy...
Type: Bug "editor.fontFamily": "Ricty Diminished Discord with Fira Code", フォントをダウンロードしたうえで上のように設定しても反映されない. VS Code version: Code 1.85.1 (0ee08df, 2023-12-13T09:49:37.021Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22631 Modes: Sys
true,"mssql.intelliSense.enableQuickInfo":true,"mssql.intelliSense.lowerCaseSuggestions":false,"mssql.resultsFontFamily":"-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe WPC,Segoe UI,HelveticaNeue-Light,Ubuntu,Droid Sans,sans-serif","mssql.resultsFontSize":13,"mssql.copyIncludeHeaders":false,"mssql.copy...