– 使用快捷键Ctrl + T或点击顶部菜单的“View” -> “Open Symbol by Name”。 – 在弹出的搜索框中输入类名,VSCode会自动过滤显示匹配的结果。 – 使用上下箭头键选择所需的类,回车键跳转到该类。 4. 使用“Find in Files”功能 – 使用快捷键Ctrl + Shift + F或点击顶部菜单的“Edit” -> “Find”...
这个方法适用于引入的文件有对应的定义的情况,比如引入的是一个函数、类或变量等。 2. 使用Go to Symbol in Workspace(转到工作区符号):通过快捷键Ctrl + Shift + O或者通过点击左侧的文件资源管理器窗口顶部的放大镜图标,然后输入关键词来搜索文件符号。选择正确的符号后,即可跳转到对应的文件位置。这个方法适用于...
Find References 搜索参考引用(使用go-find-references) File outline 文件大纲(使用go-outline) Workspace symbol search 工作区符号搜索(使用go-symbols) Rename 重命名(使用gorename) Build-on-save 保存构建(使用go build和go test) Format 代码格式化(使用goreturns或goimports或gofmt) Add Imports 添加引用(使用...
If I open the file containing the symbol this search works (obviously). Do you mean Control+Shift+O? That is mapped to "Go to Symbol in Editor" by default. It would be by-design that this would not search unopened files. Perhaps you meant to use "Go to Symbol in Workspace"? That ...
"workspaceSymbols": true, "findReferences": true, "diagnostics": false }, "emmet.excludeLanguages": ["markdown"], "[jsonc]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" }, "go.goroot": "/usr/local/go19", "go.buildFlags": [ ...
Find symbol in workspace Show signature in status bar Show signature as CodeLens / LineLens Go to MSDN help Add open NAMESPACE for symbol Match case generator Go to #load reference Generate comment for the symbol Integration with F# Interactive Integration with Forge (Project scaffolding and modif...
Fixed null reference exception when executing "Find symbol in workspace" Fixed null argument exception that could happen when a function used tuples Fixed issue when variables in nested list comprehensions were marked as undefined Fixed exception that could be thrown with certain generic syntax (#3482...
nnoremap<silent><space>c :<C-u>CocList commands<cr>" Find symbol of current document nnoremap<silent><space>o :<C-u>CocList outline<cr>" Search workspace symbols nnoremap<silent><space>s :<C-u>CocList -I symbols<cr>" Do default action for next item. ...
// - workbench.action.terminal.splitInActiveWorkspace 1649 // - workbench.action.terminal.toggleFindCaseSensitiveTerminalFocus 1650 // - workbench.action.terminal.toggleFindRegexTerminalFocus 1651 // - workbench.action.terminal.toggleFindWholeWordTerminalFocus ...