cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) project(my_project) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) find_package(fmt REQUIRED) add_executable(my_app main.cpp) target_link_libraries(my_app fmt::fmt) main.cpp的代码: #include <iostream> #include <fmt/core.h> int main() { std::string name = "John"; ...
1.4 在当前文件里搜索、在搜索结果对应的文件中二次搜索 使用"Find and Transform" 插件来实现这两个功能 使用:命令面板中输入File-Transform 类似于 "Search In Current File" 插件, File and Transform 插件也是自动帮我们填写搜索文件,只不过它支持二次查找,譬如第一次是搜索“ncnn”,找到了10个文件;接下来选...
环境: win10 go 1.20 问题描述: 在go项目中想要导入自己的其他包的方法或变量,保存后提示 cannot find package "GOPROJECT/src/chapter1/model" in any of: D:\VScode\language\Go\src\GOPROJECT\src\chapter1\model (from $GOROOT) C:\Users\艾坤\go\src\GOPROJECT\src\chapter1\model (from $GOPATH)...
: number) => { if (inAnimationFrameRunner) { const item = new AnimationFrameQueueItem(runner, priority); CURRENT_QUEUE!.push(item); return item; } else { return scheduleAtNextAnimationFrame(runner, priority); } }; })(); export function measure(callback: () => void): IDisposable { ...
Any key in keybindings section of the package.json that has a vim.use<C-...> in the when argument can be delegated back to VS Code by setting "<C-...>": false. Example: to use ctrl+f for find (native VS Code behavior): "vim.handleKeys": { "<C-f>": false }. String "...
Find all references in project Hover information Code actions / quick fixes (change compiler, format address, add sdpx license.. ) Mono repo support (identifies the project by finding the files: remappings.txt, foundry.toml, brownie-config.yaml, truffle-config.js, hardhat.config.js, hardhat...
Ctrl+KCtrl+D将最后一个选择移至下一个查找匹配项 Move last selection to next Find match Alt+C/R/W切换区分大小写/正则表达式/整个词 Togglecase-sensitive/regex/whole word 多光标和选择 Multi-cursor and selection 代码语言:javascript 复制 按Press 功能 Function ...
「在选定内容中查找」这个功能还是比较实用的。你也可以在设置项里搜索editor.find.autoFindInSelection,勾选该设置项后,那么,当你选中指定内容后,然后按住「Cmd + F」,就可以自动只在这些内容里进行查找。该设置项如下图所示: 6、全局搜索 在上面的快捷键列表中,我们已经知道如下快捷键: ...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.0FATAL_ERROR)project(example-app)find_package(TorchREQUIRED)// 这里使用命令查找libtorch库find_package(OpenCVREQUIRED)// 这里使用命名查找OpenCV库if(NOTTorch_FOUND)message(FATAL_ERROR"Pytorch Not Found!")endif(NOTTorch_FOUND)message(STATUS"Pytorch status:")message(STATUS"...