regex visual-studio-code replace import 在导入组件名称时,我需要删除组件名称周围的括号: Example string: import { Component } from 'components/components1 查找字段中使用的正则表达式: import (\{(.*?)\}) from 'components/(componentgroup|componentgroup2|componentgroup3) 替换字段中使用的模式: impor...
Ctrl + Shift + Tab 导航编辑器组历史记录 Navigate editor group history Alt + ←/→ 返回/前进 Go back / forward Ctrl + M 切换选项卡移动焦点 Toggle Tab moves focus 搜索和替换 Search and replace 按Press 功能 Function Ctrl + F 查找 Find Ctrl + H 替换 Replace F3 / Shift + F3 查找下一个...
每个 GroupView 都是一个 leaf 节点,每个节点内部可以包含很多个编辑器,对应我们在 VSCode 里面打开的文件 Tab。 { "root": { "type": "branch", "data": [ { "type": "leaf", "data": { "id": 0, "editors": [ { "id": "workbench.editors.files.fileEditorInput", "value": "{\"...
Ctrl + K Ctrl + D 将最后一个选择移至下一个查找匹配项 Move last selection to next Find match Alt + C / R / W 切换区分大小写/正则表达式/整个词 Toggle case-sensitive / regex / whole word 多光标和选择 Multi-cursor and selection 按Press功能Function Alt +单击 插入光标 Insert cursor Ctrl ...
53 How to add a string to the end of each line in VS Code using regex? 2 When replacing with regexes, how do I append digits to the end of a match group? 181 Visual Studio, Find and replace, regex Hot Network Questions Why are sequences and series typically taught in Calculus ...
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Navigate editor group history 在你打开的文件窗口里切换; Alt+ ← / → Go back / forward 向前向后移动到你编辑的历史位置; Ctrl+M Toggle Tab moves focus 切换光标移动的范围,把光标切换到编辑窗口外面,按住tab键切换; Search and replace - 搜索和替换 Ctrl+F Find 查找; Ctrl+H Repl...
将最后一个选择移至下一个查找匹配项 Move last selection to next Find match Alt + C / R / W 切换区分大小写/正则表达式/整个词 Toggle case-sensitive / regex / whole word 多光标和选择 Multi-cursor and selection 按Press 功能Function Alt +单击 ...
Ctrl + K Ctrl + D 将最后一个选择移至下一个查找匹配项 Move last selection to next Find match Alt + C / R / W 切换区分大小写/正则表达式/整个词 Toggle case-sensitive / regex / whole word 多光标和选择 Multi-cursor and selection 按Press 功能Function Alt +单击 插入光标 Insert cursor Ctrl...
all occurences of Find match Ctrl + D 将选择添加到下一个查找匹配 Add selection to next Find match Ctrl + K Ctrl + D 将最后一个选择移至下一个查找匹配项 Move last selection to next Find match Alt + C / R / W 切换区分大小写/正则表达式/整个词 Toggle case-sensitive / regex / whole ...
D将最后一个选择移至下一个查找匹配项 Move last selection to next Find matchAlt + C / R / W切换区分大小写/正则表达式/整个词 Toggle case-sensitive / regex / whole word多光标和选择 Multi-cursor and selection按 Press功能 FunctionAlt +单击插入光标 Insert cursorCtrl + Alt +↑/↓在上/下插入...