1.4 在当前文件里搜索、在搜索结果对应的文件中二次搜索 使用"Find and Transform" 插件来实现这两个功能 使用:命令面板中输入File-Transform 类似于 "Search In Current File" 插件, File and Transform 插件也是自动帮我们填写搜索文件,只不过它支持二次查找,譬如第一次是搜索“ncnn”,找到了10个文件;接下来选...
waiting that feature, I would like to see all occurences in the current file of a string in a list, and also more details, like in what function(parent) each of the occurences is. 👍 1 Rufus-SN commented May 3, 2022 Notepad++ has those options: Find in current file, and Find ...
文件管理 File management 按Press 功能Function Ctrl+N 新文件 New File Ctrl+O 打开文件… Open File… Ctrl+S 保存Save Ctrl+Shift+S 另存为… Save As… Ctrl+K S 全部保存 Save All Ctrl+F4 关闭Close Ctrl+K Ctrl+W 关闭所有 Close All Ctrl+Shift+T 重新打开关闭的编辑器 Reopen closed editor ...
vim.startInInsertMode Start in Insert mode instead of Normal Mode Boolean false vim.useCtrlKeys Enable Vim ctrl keys overriding common VS Code operations such as copy, paste, find, etc. Boolean true vim.visualstar In visual mode, start a search with * or # using the current selection Bool...
Ctrl+T显示所有符号 Show all Symbols Ctrl+G转到行...Go to Line...Ctrl+P转到文件...Go to File...Ctrl+Shift+O转到符号...Go to Symbol...Ctrl+Shift+M显示问题面板 Show Problems panelF8转到下一个错误或警告 Go to next error or warning ...
Open File... Ctrl+S 保存Save Ctrl+Shift+S 另存为... Save As... Ctrl+K S 全部保存 Save All Ctrl+F4 关闭Close Ctrl+K Ctrl+W 关闭所有 Close All Ctrl+Shift+T 重新打开关闭的编辑器 Reopen closed editor Ctrl+K 输入保持打开 Enter Keep Open Ctrl+Tab 打开下一个 Open next Ctrl+Shift+...
Ctrl+K OShow active file in new window/instance 新窗口/实例中打开当前文件 搜索替换 Ctrl+FFind 查找, 先选中后按,直接输入选中 Ctrl+HReplace 替换 F2Rename Symbol 重命名变量 查找替换 Alt+C / R / WToggle case-sensitive / regex / whole word 匹配模式为区分大小写/正则/全词(分别切换,可同时开...
文件管理 File management 显示Display 调试Debug 集成终端 Integrated terminal 主命令框 F1或Ctrl+Shift+P: 打开命令面板。在打开的输入框内,可以输入任何命令,例如: 按一下Backspace会进入到Ctrl+P模式 在Ctrl+P下输入>可以进入Ctrl+Shift+P模式 在Ctrl+P窗口下还可以: ...
[proc] Executing command: /usr/bin/cmake --no-warn-unused-cli -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS:BOOL=TRUE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/g++ -S/home/wenxue/c_linux_only -B/home/wenxue/c_linux_only/...
particularly a delay when it kicks in, as it needs to be computed by the Java Language server, when opening a new file or when typing. Semantic highlighting can be disabled for all languages using theeditor.semanticHighlighting.enabledsetting, or for Java only usinglanguage-specific editor settin...