配置Json: {"editor.guides.bracketPairs":true,"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled":true,"editor.minimap.enabled":false,"editor.foldingStrategy":"indentation",} 配置说明: 7、文件标签显示方式 此配置用于自定义 VSCode 中特定文件的标签显示方式,使得目录中的index文件在编辑器标签中显示为目录名加上文件扩...
一、如何高效定制 VSCode 打开VSCode,通过点击左上角的 “File (文件)” 菜单,然后选择 “Preferences (首选项)” > “Settings (设置)”,或者直接按下快捷键Ctrl + ,(Windows/Linux)或Cmd + ,(Mac)快捷键来访问设置页面。 在这里,你可以看到所有的配置项列表。为了方便管理,你可以创建一个.json文件来集中管...
indent-rainbow v8.3.1 ext install oderwat.indent-rainbow A simple extension to make indentation more readable. live server v5.7.9 ext install ritwickdey.LiveServer Launch a local development server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages. Thunder Client v2.10.0 ext install rangav....
// 去掉Detect Indentation的勾(使得tabSize为1有效) // 设置按住一个键进行重复输入 defaults write com.microsoft.VSCode ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false defaults write com.microsoft.VSCode ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool true(取消重复输入) // 快捷键(不变->保持默认写出来是为了看到哪些会常用,待变-...
// 控制计算折叠范围的策略。`auto` 将使用语言特定的折叠策略 (若可用)。`indentation` 将使用基于缩进的折叠策略。142 "editor.foldingStrategy": "auto", 143 144 // 控制字体系列。145 "editor.fontFamily": "Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace", ...
I couldn't find a configuration to enable this indentation guides on the Sidebar Explorer yet. pie6k So yup... my eyes are bleeding. I'm likewhat is index.js of Expression folder... I know you're there!. I think it should have quite high priority. Modern web apps quite often have...
{"key":"ctrl+alt+r","command":"workbench.files.action.showActiveFileInExplorer"} 参考文档:How to reveal current file in Explorer? 5.12. vscode 整合 gitbash 打开用户设置: File -> Preference -> settings, 切换到 json 模式 添加如下配置到 Settings 并保存, 其中 bash.exe 的路径根据自己实际安装...
If disabled, it will use the default indentation-based folding range provided by VS Code. java.maven.downloadSources: Enable/disable download of Maven source artifacts as part of importing Maven projects. java.maven.updateSnapshots: Force update of Snapshots/Releases. Defaults to false. java.code...
"explorer.confirmDelete": false, //配置eslint "eslint.enable": true, // 启用保存时自动修复,默认只支持.js文件 "eslint.validate": [ "javascript", // 用eslint的规则检测js文件 { "language": "vue", // 检测vue文件 "autoFix": true // 为vue文件开启保存自动修复的功能 ...
java.foldingRange.enabled: Enable/disable smart folding range support. If disabled, it will use the default indentation-based folding range provided by VS Code. java.maven.downloadSources: Enable/disable download of Maven source artifacts as part of importing Maven projects. ...