针对你遇到的问题“vscode git failed to connect to github.com port 443 after 75002 ms: couldn't”,这里有几个可能的解决方案,你可以按照以下步骤逐一尝试: 检查网络连接: 确保你的计算机可以正常访问互联网。尝试打开浏览器访问其他网站(如google.com、baidu.com等)以验证网络连接是否正常。 验证VSCode中的Gi...
Git报错: Failed to connect to github.com port 443 解决方案-CSDN博客 问题出在git命令没有设置好代理端口。需要手动设置当前端口 代理地址和端口可以在windows的“代理服务器设置”中查看,然后依次在git bash中输入 $ git config --global http.proxy socks5 代理地址:端口 $ git config --global https.proxy...
I somehow fixed it - I opened another project/repo in different window and instead of a "Sign in to Github" button I got "Unable to connect to Github API. Do you have internet connection?". I then switched to the previous project, reloaded window and it loaded fine. 👍 1 lrotschy...
Hi, When I finishied editing in visual studio, I push to github but there's an error: Failed to connect to github.com port 443: Timed out. I don't know why n can you please help me?Member kieferrm commented Jan 30, 2021 Please describe which exact steps you take. If possible, ...
· 问题记录 <git push 到 github 时遇到 ssh 端口问题> · 问题记录 <解决VSCode终端输出中文乱码问题> · vscode 配置代理: copilot 出现错误 :[error] [auth] Extension activation failed: "The operation was abort" · GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "co...
//raw.githubusercontent.com/streetsidesoftware/cspell/cspell%404.0.53/cspell.schema.json#/definitions/OverrideSettings': Unable to load schema from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/streetsidesoftware/cspell/cspell%404.0.53/cspell.schema.json': Request vscode/content failed unexpectedly without ...
一、首先,没有Github的小伙伴可以先注册一下Github账号,注册地址:Github,注册其实也比较容易,Github有专门的指导手册,小伙伴们可以阅览一下,这里就不再赘述了。 二、如果没有本地没有VSCode,请在官网进行下载,下载链接:VSCode Download,下载对应平台的软件,下载完成后直接安装即可!
https://github.com/neovim/neovim/blob/master/INSTALL.md 安装好后记住 nvim 二进制的路径 2. 安装并配置 VSCode Neovim 插件 https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=asvetliakov.vscode-neovim 在扩展设置中,找到Neovim Executable Paths配置项并在对应系统的输入框中输入 nvim 二进制绝对路径(例...
com/rogpeppe/godef SUCCEEDED Installing github.com/sqs/goreturns FAILED Installing github.com/golang/lint/golint FAILED 6 tools failed to install. go-outline: Error: Command failed: C:\Go\bin\go.exe get -u -v github.com/ramya-rao-a/go-outline github.com/ramya-rao-a/go-outline (...